Slowly But Exceeding Small: Canadian Example Suggests Good U.S. Election in 2016.
As the Poet said
Though the mills of God grind slowly, yet they grind exceeding small;
Though with patience He stands waiting, with exactness grinds He all.
A quarter-century ago (aargh!) Peter Brimelow published The Patriot Game, an iconoclastic re- evaluation of the Canadian polity. At last, it appears the development he predicted is being implemented in the upcoming election:
"…the Tories may be finally resorting to the strategy advocated by political scientist [!] Peter Brimelow in 2005: 'While Quebec is at the centre of every major government decision … the natural conservative tendencies of [English Canada] will continue to be frustrated. For the Canadian Right, the road to power lies not through Quebec, but around it…'
"For five years, Prime Minister Stephen Harper has disregarded this advice and courted the Quebec vote… The result? Zip… it should be no surprise that in 2011 the Tories are setting their sights elsewhere."
Who needs Quebec? by Tasha Kheiriddin, National Post, Mar. 29, 2011
What Brimelow saw was that the much-vaunted "Canadian Nationalism" which under the leftist Pierre Trudeau had caused a wholesale eradication of much-loved English Canadian symbols (including links with the U.K), and the imposition of an absurd policy of bilingualism, was a fraud. It was simply a deal whereby the Canadian English-speaking ("Anglophone" in Canadaspeak) Left bought the electoral support of the large but intensely parochial population of Francophone voters in the Province of Quebec.
The result has been the plundering and oppression of the Anglophone segment of Canada. Quebec is heavily subsidized and, while bilingualism was being imposed elsewhere, the use of English was repressed in Quebec through provincial legislation.
The parallel with America is obvious. The American Left seeks to rule through a coalition of minorities, to oppress and plunder the historic American nation — a.k.a. Whites. Initially, of course, the strategy was less blatant because of the size of the non-white population. But the 1965 Immigration Act is fixing that.
The indicated response is the same: unify and mobilize the Anglophone/White vote. At we choose to call it the "Sailer Strategy".
To say the Patriot Game analysis was before its time is an understatement. It was greeted with a combination of incredulity and rage subsequently seen again when Brimelow published Alien Nation in the U.S.
But after about 15 years a politician emerged who made it his business to merge the scattered English-Canadian political parties: Stephen Harper. Quite early on he was reported to have been influenced by The Patriot Game. Since 2006 he has been Prime Minister of Canada, although never with a majority in Parliament.
As the 2010 Congressional elections unfortunately showed, just because a certain coalition wins power for someone does not mean its requirements will be respected. Harper has compiled a contemptible record, doing nothing about Canada’s iniquitous anti-Free Speech laws, conniving at continued massive third-world immigration and, of course, as Tasha Kheiriddin notes, pathetically pandering to Quebec.
In this, he unquestionably was following the preferences of the Ontario Establishment, who play a similar corrupting function as the Inside the Beltway crowd in American affairs.
But it hasn’t worked! And apparently Harper has drawn sensible conclusions. Kheiriddin reports in Quebec-bashing, Part Deux (National Post, Apr 1, 2011 (Note the Ontario Establishment hostile spin on the headline).
"…the Conservatives seem to be writing off Quebec in this election. Quebecers are frankly puzzled by this; it flies in the face of the usual coziness displayed toward the province at voting time.
But it is consistent with the Plan B approach the Tories seem to be adopting in their quest for a majority: go around Quebec, not through it. By appearing almost anti-Quebec, they actually shore up their support in parts of the country who have little regard for la belle province." [Links added]
In a fairly democratic state, just as in a fairly free market, eventually the public’s needs are accommodated — or to put it another way, eventually the major fault lines show up. Peter Brimelow’s first major piece on immigration was published in 1992 and Alien Nation was published in 1995. has stressed the political consequences of the immigration deluge from our beginning.
Curiously, America’s political system appears less flexible than Canada’s and there is some reason to believe the leaders of the other side here are more consciously determined. These things take time.
But on the Canadian showing, with the Anglophone/Quebec servitude perhaps ending, we can look forward to an important and interesting Presidential year in 2016.