Supreme Court Precedents Say Congress Must Make Immigration Policy — Not International Bureaucrats

By Juan Mann


[Also by Juan Mann on the SPP:

The ongoing scandal of the internationalist Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America [SPP] continues unabated despite the recent demand for full disclosure by Congressman Tom Tancredo.

Behind-closed-doors "working groups" of unelected bureaucrats from Canada, Mexico and the United States have been hammering away at the sovereignty of these three countries — apparently seeking to merge them into a regional superstate.

But now the debate is in the open. And here’s my contribution: over 100 years of United States Supreme Court precedent on immigration law cries out against this sell-out.

Since the late 19th Century, the Supreme Court has acknowledged the unequivocal authority of Congress in setting immigration law and policy.

According to this body of Supreme Court case law, Congress alone can make the rules on this issue, with delegation thereafter to executive branch officers to carry out the policy.

Any future "agreements" by SPP bureaucrats would have absolutely no authority in law unless ratified by Congress.

Now, if SPP border-busting language creating the "free flow of people" throughout North America were somehow rammed through Congress in the dead of night, that would be another story. My argument would not apply if it could be said that Congress had approved an SPP immigration scheme.

But, as of now, that hasn’t happened. And as long as the SPP’s behind-closed-doors immigration policy-writing continues without Congressional authority — indeed, without Congress' knowledge — it violates the clear authority of Congress as the sole author and guardian of American immigration law.

There is an interconnected body of Supreme Court case law recognizing the plenary power of Congress over immigration law enforcement.

The story begins with the Chinese exclusion cases in the 1880s and moves on to decisions involving the exclusion and deportation of various anarchists, Communist party members, subversives and even of an admitted homosexual under the then existing "psychopathic personality" grounds for exclusion.

The particular grounds discussed in these cases would no doubt be objectionable to many today. But these cases cannot simply be dismissed or disregarded as "racist," "discriminatory" or "unfair." They remain as valid precedent, recognizing the unquestioned power of Congress to set the standards for the admission, detention and deportation of foreign nationals. And, of course, this power is also an inherent attribute of American sovereignty.

The case law citations of these "old chestnuts" (lawyers' shorthand for venerated classic cases) appear in some of the most recent Supreme Court cases upholding detention and deportation provisions as written by Congress. Bottom line: they're still good law.

So any future wholesale admission of foreign nationals by a stroke of the SPP bureaucracy’s internationalist pen would be complete anathema to just about every U.S. Supreme Court case on the subject for the past 100 years. Congress' plenary power over immigration is still the law of the land.

For all you legal eagles out there — Congressional staffers, take note! I've compiled some quotations and highlights from this fascinating body of immigration law enforcement case law.

All of the cases listed here validate the deportation or exclusion of every single alien considered. They also support Congress' right to set the policy — however right or wrong — and the authority of executive branch officers to carry it out.

Juan Mann’s Top 20 U.S. Supreme Court Cases on Congressional Plenary Power Over Immigration Law Enforcement:

Juan Mann is an attorney and the proprietor of He writes a weekly column for and contributes to Michelle Malkin’s Immigration BLOG.

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