The Anti-Defamation League just issued a new report called:
Extremists Declare 'Open Season' on Immigrants; Hispanics Target of Incitement and Violence (Here)
According to ADL National Chairman Abraham H. Foxman (email him),
"It is time to shine the spotlight on those who have seized upon the immigration debate as an opportunity to advance their agenda of hate, bigotry and white supremacy."
Yep, the ADL says the recent immigration debate is causing an upsurge in violence against Hispanics:
"As the public debate over immigration reform has taken center-stage in American politics and public life, white supremacists, neo-Nazis and other racists have declared 'open season' on immigrants…"
More to the point:
"As a result, to a level unprecedented in recent years, America’s Latino immigrant population has become the primary focus of hateful and racist rhetoric and extreme violence — aided, abetted and encouraged by America’s white supremacist and racist haters."
The ADL report included examples of "racist rhetoric" and "extreme violence." ( Here)
(Once again, these are examples from the ADL report…i.e. not necessarily accurate, if you know what I’m saying. I’m not suggesting that these crimes did not occur, I am only questioning whether the crime was really motivated by racism.)
Here are a few, starting with the most recent:
(And the police are examining a possible racial motive in Wilkins case.)
Hmm…remember, the ADL report said "as the public debate over immigration reform has taken center-stage in American politics… America’s Latino immigrant population has become the primary focus of hateful and racist rhetoric and extreme violence."
But the most recent example of a hate crime against a Hispanic was last January…before that there were a handful in 2005, 2004 and one in 2003.
The Congressional debate didn’t even begin until December 2005 — just six months ago.
So if we include only the crimes committed since the debate began in Congress — you know, because the ADL is citing this as the cause of increased violence against Hispanics — there are only two (2).
Yep, two (2) incidents.
Would anybody consider that enough evidence to declare Hispanics the "primary focus of racist rhetoric and extreme violence"?
I mean, anybody other than the ADL…
Or perhaps the ADL is admitting (unknowingly) that racially-motivated crimes are actually few and far between these days.
Nah! Then how could they fund-raise?
Back to the report. According to the press release (scroll down), the ADL is not alone in thinking this way.
"To face this emerging new threat, ADL leaders and Cecilia Muñoz, Vice President for Public Policy of the National Council of La Raza, the largest national Latino civil rights and advocacy organization in the U.S., stood together in Washington, D.C. to outline a broad public policy Action Agenda…"
This is a joke, right? Follow me, folks:
According to the ADL, racial supremacy issues are to blame for the growing anti-illegal immigration sentiment in America.
To combat this, they formed an alliance (dare I say, unholy?) with a group called La Raza… or The Race.
Ok, that is so funny I almost want to write it twice…(Email Cecilia Munoz)
Stipulations of the ADL/La Raza Plan (here) include:
[BB Side Note: Hey ADL, why don’t you start with those midget-terrorist, pseudo-activists over at UC Santa Cruz who threatened Michelle Malkin? Oops, Michelle’s a conservative — I suppose she had it coming.]
Read: Amnesty, censorship, open borders, brain-washing.
The murder of the historic American nation.
Here’s the bottom line according to Bryanna:
Wartime makes strange bedfellows!
This latest scam is nothing more than a pathetic attempt by the ADL to convince donors that their shake-down, race-baiting operation is still needed:
Ooh…look at the racism that’s running amok…give us money and we'll make it stop!
As far as La Raza is concerned, they'll take any allies they can get.
After all the anti-American, Mexican flag-waving, not-so-peaceful protest rallies they helped to organize, they can’t have many left.
Indeed, an opportunist match made in heaven!
Bryanna Bevens is a political consultant and former chief of staff for a member of the California State Assembly.