THE FULFORD FILE: Another “Ordeal Of Immigration In Wausau”? — Dem Pols Desperately Downplay Their Imported Afghan Sex Criminal
Earlier (1994) by Roy Beck: The Ordeal Of Immigration In Wausau
The Wausau Daily Herald has a story about one of Biden’s Afghans (they're not legally refugees, as Ann Corcoran keeps pointing out) who is accused, entirely predictably, of committing sexual assault in his new home in America:
- 'One individual doesn’t necessarily reflect on the wider group': Resettlement group responds to arrest of Afghan refugee,by Renee Hickman, Wausau Daily Herald, February 7, 2022
’One individual doesn’t necessarily reflect on the wider group’: Resettlement group responds to arrest of Afghan refugee
— Wausau Daily Herald (@wausauherald) February 8, 2022
The reason the Wausau Daily Herald has this picture is that it had the usual pro-immigrant sob story about the same guy, reported by the same young female reporter, Renee Hickman, a Report For America corps member who covers rural issues in Wisconsin.
The cutline under the picture:
Matiullah Matie talks during an interview on Jan. 23 at his home in Wausau. Matie along with his wife and six children arrived in Wausau in December after fleeing Afghanistan amid the U.S. military’s withdrawal from the country.
['Everything is different': One of first Afghan families to arrive in Wausau adapts to new home, country by Renee Hickman, Wausau Daily Herald, January 21, 2022]
The paper also had this picture (I’ve blurred the faces of the kids) of the family being welcomed by happy Democrat pols:
Matiullah Matie and four of his children meet with Wisconsin Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes and Wausau Mayor Katie Rosenberg.
More from the sex assault article, with CYA protestations of local Democrat immigration enthusiasts and Refugee Racketeers (links added):
Matiullah Matie, 40, was arrested following a complaint that was made on Feb. 2. A family acquaintance who had been assisting the family with its resettlement made the complaint and said the assault happened in a vehicle, according to a news release from the Wausau Police Department.
Matie is an Afghan businessman who, along with his wife and children, were among the first of about 85 people from Afghanistan resettling in Wausau following the pullout of the American military from the country last summer.
Adam Van Noord, the director of the Wausau Multicultural Community Center, which is leading the refugee resettlement, called the arrest a "worst-case scenario" but emphasized that the center continues to support the population of Afghan refugees who began to arrive in December.
"We want our community to know that we stand by their side in terms of safety, but we don’t have any reason to believe there are safety issues as it relates to this population as a whole," Van Noord said. "One individual doesn’t necessarily reflect on the wider group."
Wausau Mayor Katie Rosenberg, who has vocally supported the refugee resettlement effort and visited Matie’s home, issued a statement to local media outlets that read, in part, "I was stunned and heartbroken to hear that a woman who was working to assist Wausau’s new refugee arrivals in their resettlement reported that she was sexually assaulted by one of the refugees.
"This alleged crime is absolutely unacceptable," she continued. "My expectations of everyone in our community are that they understand the boundaries and rights of women and men and the legal consequences of violating them.
"This doesn’t define all Afghan refugees any more than other crimes characterize residents from any other background. However, I have talked to Police Chief Bliven, and he and his team stand ready to help with comprehensive and specific training about American legal and social expectations."
Van Noord acknowledged that the incident could create more obstacles for other refugee families.
"Obviously, this is going to be fuel for arguments that exist in our community against refugee resettlement," Van Noord said. But he said that it was important to remember that incidents of sexual assault happen across all populations.
Matie was released on bond Monday. Police are recommending charges of fourth-degree misdemeanor sexual assault, which is sexual contact with a person without the consent of that person [i.e. groping] under Wisconsin law. Prosecutors had not filed formal charges as of late Monday.
This may not be that serious a case — a fourth degree misdemeanor of groping that just shows that the Biden Afghan Airlift has brought number of primitive people who don’t understand “American legal and social expectations” around the matter of not groping women’s private parts. See Ann Coulter On Afghanistan: Teaching Psycho Flintstones About Women’s Equality Didn’t Work. (Duh!)
But there have been four reports already of serious bad behavior from the Biden Airlift:
- Afghan Evacuee Allegedly Assaulted Minor Boys At Ft. McCoy
- Biden’s Afghans Sexually Assault U.S. Servicewoman
- Previously Deported Afghan Rapist Makes It Back To U.S. In Biden Airlift
- Immigrant Afghan "Interpreter" Tries, Fails, To Stab American Cops To Death
And all of this is normal behavior for Afghans, both in Afghanistan and in the West, as we covered here:
That’s based on a report from 2017.
Before you get too sentimental about airlifting 37,000 Afghan refugees into USA, let’s ask how importing these people into Europe worked out: it created a crime wave of rapes and gang rapes of European women.
— Emerald Robinson ✝️ (@EmeraldRobinson) August 25, 2021
So it didn’t start with Biden Airlift. It’s been happening for years, as in this case from 2008:
- 5 accused of enslaving girl | Afghan immigrant wed at age 13, by Paul Shukovsky, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, October 16, 2008
- 5 King residents charged in Afghan girl’s forced labor, by Noelene Clark, Seattle Times, October 16, 2008
- Prosecutors: Afghan girl enslaved in Wash. by Gene Johnson, AP, October 16, 2008 Seattle — Five Seattle-area immigrants from Afghanistan enslaved a teenage girl they brought to the U.S., with some forcing her to do chores and one — her 37-year-old husband — beating and sexually assaulting her, according to a federal indictment unsealed this week. [More] [Emphasis added]
Notice that in the headlines, only the victim is an Afghan immigrant. This a regular pattern with MSM reportage. It’s illegal in Washington State to have sex with someone under the age of 16, or marry someone under the age of 17, but such things are considered normal in Afghanistan. It’s one of things that does “reflect on the wider group.”
“The reality is, overseas the vetting process sucks — there’s minimal vetting,” said the official familiar with the reports. “So now we have a 60-year-old guy with a 12-year-old girl saying, ‘That’s my wife.’”
[DHS monitoring for cases of ‘child brides’ among Afghan refugees, by Jana Winter, Yahoo News, September 8, 2021]
Another thing notable about Afghan’s sexual customs — homosexual abuse of young boys, known as Bacha-Bazi, or “boy play” — as in the Fort McCoy sexual assault case above.
- Trump Would Deprive America of Afghan Diversity, Such as Bacha Bazi (Afghan Pederasty)
- Normal Afghan Pederasty
But don’t take our word for it: see the PBS documentary The Dancing Boys of Afghanistan, April 20, 2010, from which the screenshot above is taken:
In September 2021, I compared the incoming Afghans to the Hmong refugees produced by the Vietnam War:
- THE FULFORD FILE: Why Would We Expect “Afghan Allies” To Assimilate Better Than The Hmong?
- A Reader Points Out That The Afghan National IQ Is LOWER Than That Of Hmongs
But I never expected the Biden Regime actually to settle this new group of primitive tribesmen in Wausau, Wisconsin of all places, which as Roy Beck of NumbersUSA wrote in his classic April 1994 Atlantic article was Ground Zero for Hmong resettlement, and which is still having problems, 47 years after the Fall of Saigon, with…child brides, sexual assault, including gang rape, immigrant mass murder, and Hmong gang violence [Minnesota man, 21, claims he was following Southeast Asian 'bride-napping' customs when he 'abducted 15-year-old girl and tried to force her marry him,' by Alexandra Klausner,, April 1, 2015].
How can Katie Rosenberg be Mayor of Wausau and not know that?
- The Ordeal Of Immigration In Wausau by Roy Beck
- Wisconsin Writer Stirs Up Wausau Hmong Issue 20 Years After Roy Beck
- A Reader Ask Why Wausau WI Had To Suffer The Ordeal Of Hmong Immigration
So the whole idea that because one refugee of Afghanistan, land of child brides, child abuse, gang rape and war, has committed sexual assault, it “doesn’t necessarily reflect on the wider group” is crazy — it is the wider group, and it’s not just one, it’s almost all of them.
One further note: the Biden Administration wants to continue the Airlift, bringing in Afghans who aren’t even in Afghanistan but who are in Qatar, a Muslim country where they could happily settle, as we’ve repeatedly pointed out. The CBS headline is: U.S. setting up expedited processing hub in Qatar for some at-risk Afghans, by Camilo Montoya-Galvez, CBS, February 8, 2022.
My emphasis. But the Afghans aren’t “at-risk” — the women and children of America are.
James Fulford is writer and editor for