
Hmore Hmurdering Hmong

By Peter Brimelow


Chalk up another to the Minneapolis Star Tribune, which as I observed last Saturday, seems not to have learned to take its PC censorship pills. In Two killed in fight outside pool hall Star Tribune February 4 2005 — free registration required we learn that "members of a Hmong gang" gunned down six Tibetans, killing two.

"Capt. Bob Aldrich of the Anoka County Sheriff’s Office said six suspects were arrested. The Minnesota Gang Strike Force was familiar with them, he said…. The trouble apparently started Thursday evening when gang members mistook a group of unarmed Tibetan Chinese, and one Cambodian, for another Asian gang… Initial reports said the Tibetans were part of a gang, but authorities later said that wasn’t true. Ron Ryan, commander of the Minnesota Gang Strike Force, said there were no Tibetan gangs in the state."

A later story 'Bullets were flying' outside the pool hall Matt Mckinney, Jim Adams and David Chanen Star Tribune February 5 2005 adds the pleasant details:

"the victims ran out the back door into an alley as the gang members followed, firing at them… Lieng’s body was found in the parking ramp behind the pool hall, and Jagottsang’s body was lying near a small park on 41st Avenue. They and the four other victims were shot from behind as they fled."

Shooting unarmed victims in the back appears to be a Hmong national sport, as the poor Wisconsin hunters discovered last November. And before the more PC news wires get spinning this story, let us note:

"The Tibetans eventually fled through the back door into an alley with the Hmong in pursuit, firing dozens of shots"

Saturday’s edition of the Star Tribune also carries the charming news that prominent Hmong himport enthusiast St Paul Mayor Randy Kelley is struggling with a corruption scandal. FBI looking at 2 St.Paul cases Tony Kennedy and Paul McEnroe Star Tribune February 5, 2005. It involves — guess who! — the Hmong. Outsiders might feel that financial corruption is not Minnesota’s main problem.

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