At Easter 2008, I mentioned that
"Good Friday and Easter are subject to the same pressures that animate the War On Christmas, in that having Good Friday as a public holiday is a symbol of America’s status as a Christian nation, and there are a lot of people who hate that idea."
By Athena Kerry wrote recently that it’s happening again:
"Christmas isn’t the only Christian celebration under attack.
"In Davenport, Iowa, a city administrator released a recommendation to rename Good Friday 'Celebration of Spring'. The recommendation was published in the Quad City Times, putting the city on the defensive.
'Bill Edmond says he and other city council members were upset over the apparent name change. Edmonds says they didn’t know about it until they saw an article about it in the Quad City Times last week.' (Iowa city says Good Friday is still Good Friday, Associated Press — 3/31/2010)
"They claim that for now, Good Friday in still Good Friday.
"Not if the Freedom From Religion Foundation has its way. The group is pressuring the state of Wisconsin to remove all references to Good Friday on state holiday schedules.
'The foundation’s attorney notes that a judge overturned a law in 1996 that said agencies should set aside 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Good Friday "for the purpose of worship." In practice, government agencies closed at noon, which stopped after the ruling.' "
(Group asks Wisconsin to eliminate Good Friday holiday, Associated Press — 3/31/2010)[War On Easter 2010]
The Freedom From Religion Foundation, [email them]headquartered in their own building (called Freethought Hall) in Madison, Wisconsin, is run by a Who’s Who of annoying atheists. They can’t just come out at Christmas, they have to make a nuisance of themselves year-round. (Although somehow they haven’t managed to protest Ramadan much.)
The ACLU doesn’t seem very active attempting to suppress Easter just now, but there are several sightings of the "Spring Bunny" in the news — where you'd expect to find the Easter Bunny.
Spring Bunnies are bursting out all over in San Diego — this San Diego Union-Tribune story lists half a dozen, all at city recreation centers: Grab your basket: The egg hunt is on, March 31, 2010.
All the stories mentioning the "Spring Bunny" are just straight reports, no criticism of the new PC, except for one tiny item in the Cheers and Jeers section of a suburban paper in Downers Grove, IL,
".. and Jeers
"Easter takes a holiday: The Downers Grove Park District is inviting children to look for eggs Friday evening left by the "Spring" Bunny, and wants children to have some face time with the "Spring" Bunny on Saturday. Really, the "Spring" Bunny? Was the Easter Bunny not available this year? Come on.
Expect see more of the Spring Bunny in future years.
On Good Friday, Joe Guzzardi wrote about his struggle with faith and the current Catholic hierarchy: Easter 2010: My Return To The Catholic Church Stalls.
In the past, we've done other columns on Easter, this is what we call a medley. See earlier medleys at
04/07/07 — The Fulford File: Happy Easter Once Again From VDARE.com!
(Steve Sailer’s kids got a rabbit for Easter. What they didn’t get was an illegal alien to do the vacuuming. Read about why this was unnecessary.)
In 2004 at Easter Time, a movie about Christ’s Passion was released by Mel Gibson. It was roughly handled by the critics, and caused a huge controversy. See Tom Piatak in Chronicles and these two VDARE.com articles:
The there’s Peter Brimelow’s What Would Enoch Say?, triggered by the happy coincidence that Easter Sunday 2003 fell on the 35th anniversary of Enoch Powell’s seminal speech on immigration, now alas more relevant to the U.S. than ever.
And finally, our most serious column on the subject of Easter is from Chilton Williamson, which is still, as I said in 2007, "about the only thing we've published worthy of being read in Church on Easter Sunday":
"Yet people can change, including societies and — even — the politicians who beset them. Hope is a virtue.
"Expect therefore a miracle — in particular on this feast of the greatest and longest-lasting of all miracles, the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ from the dead.
"To that end, the editors of VDARE.com direct their Easter prayers — and on behalf of their readers, too!" Easter and the Resurrection of the West, March 29, 2002