The Fulford File, By James Fulford | Happy Easter Once Again From!
What we call the War Against Christmas, which has now morphed into a War Against Easter, is really a part of the War Against Western Civilization, and the War Against The American Nation. Christianity is part of that, so like a thousand other symbols and traditions, it has to go.
Not only go, but be forgotten, if possible. And of course, part of the attack is blasphemous, and part of it is just silly, because the War On Easter includes attacking…the Easter Bunny.
- "Fans of our ever-popular annual competition to determine the most egregious attempt to abolish Christmas will not be surprised that Easter is being abolished too, even in its most inoffensive furry form.…
['Easter' Bunny Gives Way To ’spring' Bunny: Local Mall Goes P.C. For Religious Holiday, Dallas-Fort Worth] Peter Brimelow, Easter 2005]
- "…the same people who make war against Christmas are coming for the Easter Bunny. In Milford, CT, the Easter Egg Hunt is being renamed the ’spring Egg Hunt.' As a local Selectman put it, 'One person said we'd offend someone if we call it an Easter egg hunt, that’s all it took.'" [James Fulford, Easter 2006]
- "It’s called 'My Sweet Lord' and it’s a sculpture six feet tall of the crucified Christ, completely naked. A press release advertising the sculpture displayed at the Lab Gallery in the Roger Smith Hotel in New York City describes it as 'Jesus, the 485,460 calorie Messiah.' "As if its display during Holy Week weren’t enough, viewers are invited to lick and bite off pieces of the sculpture before it is taken down on Easter Sunday." [War Against Christmas Now War On Easter? By Athena Kerry, March 29 2007
"William Rearick, Schools Superintendent of the Tiverton Public Schools in Rhode Island [email him], has banned the Easter Bunny from appearing at a fundraising event tomorrow at the Tiverton Middle School. He has also banned the word 'Easter' from all school events. He told the Providence Journal that during the last year and a half, he has become 'more aware of folks who don’t have a Christian background.' Taking the place of the Easter Bunny will be Peter Rabbit; children will be able to get their picture taken with him." [Catholic League For Religious And Civil Rights, Easter 2007]
Of course, attacking the Easter Bunny isn’t about a little chocolate rabbit. It’s about post-America.
Even if you're not a churchgoer, Easter is a link with the past, with hundreds of years of settlement in America and with two thousand years of Christian civilization. Even if you were a moderately fierce atheist, like the late Oriana Fallaci, you couldn’t help being angry at being told it’s not Easter anymore because we don’t want to offend Hindus and Muslims — who, when they're at home, have no problem persecuting Christians.
America is a Christian nation. The objections you hear when anyone says that in public are caused by the fact that most people don’t know what is meant by the word "nation." The United States is country with a constitution and a First Amendment. The American people is a nation, a group of people with common ancestors and a common history.
If people are offended by any mention of your religion, and the religion of your ancestors, then maybe it’s time you got offended.
If you are a Christian, I'd like to share with you a song called He’s Alive by Don Francisco, a Christian songwriter. Francisco’s website is here. You can here Francisco sing the song by clicking here, [MP3] I first heard this performed by Dolly Parton, [video] but the singer of the song is meant to be St. Peter. It’s a very powerful song, and says a lot about what Easter is about, even for those of you who may not actually believe.
Here is our collection Easter Links.
- In 2003, at Easter, a movie about Christ’s Passion was released by Mel Gibson. It was roughly handled by the critics, and caused a huge controversy. See Tom Piatak in Chronicles and these two articles:
- Gibson’s Passion And Christophobic Libel By Sam Francis
- The Passion’s Message By Paul Craig Roberts
- "By a happy coincidence, Easter Sunday falls this year on the thirty-fifth anniversary of Enoch Powell’s great speech on immigration — given in Birmingham on April 20, 1968. This neatly intertwines the themes of spiritual and national death and resurrection in a way that might have pleased Powell, who had been a fierce atheist as a young man and whose equally fierce if unorthodox Anglicanism in later life was explicitly related to his appreciation of the English Church as an expression of the English nation." (What Would Enoch Say? by Peter Brimelow, April 19, 2003)
(Easter is a movable feast, but the speech Peter was talking about is still worth reading.)
- Thus, this past Easter English school children were prohibited their traditional hot cross buns, because the cross on the buns might offend people who are not of Western origin.
May 13, 2003 America And Britain: The Conquered Conquerors By Paul Craig Roberts
- April 14, 2006 An Easter Reminder to Roger, Cardinal Mahony — Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness, By Joe Guzzardi, (a former Altar boy who is not pleased with the actions of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops)
And finally, the most serious thing we've published about Easter, and about the only thing we've published worthy of being read in Church on Easter Sunday, is this:
March 29, 2002 Easter and the Resurrection of the West By Chilton Williamson Jr.