The Fulford File, By James Fulford | Happy New Year 2009!

By James Fulford


At the end of the year, a review of the first eight years of

1999 We practically weren’t here at all that year, starting only on Christmas Eve, but check out this first shot in the War Against Christmas.

2000 Bush elected, in spite of confused voters in Palm Beach. I personally started here at, as a result of winning the War Against Christmas Competition

2001 The most memorable thing that was supposed to happen that year was Bush’s Immigration Munich, the new President’s plan to amnesty all the illegals in the US at that time. That was supposed to be the most memorable thing. It wasn’t. But few people seem to have grasped the immigration angle, and certainly nothing was done about it.

2002 The Year Of Trent Lott. The GOP, at the behest of people like Instapundit, various NRO types, and Andrew Sullivan [!] defenestrates Trent Lott for saying at the 100th birthday party of former Dixiecrat candidate Strom Thurmond that things would have been different if he had have won, a joke that could have been made at the 100th birthday party of Harold Stassen, Pat Paulsen, or Gracie Allen. Oh, and Iraq was invaded.

2003 California Recall election — immigration enthusiast Gray Davis defeated, Joe Guzzardi wins moral victory, Arnold Schwarzenegger stuck with Governor’s job.

2004 In spite of everything Dan Rather can do, Bush wins re-election, Hispanics (wrongly) blamed.

2005 Sam Francis dies, his last column criticizing the Bush Inaugural for its basic liberalism. Hurricane Katrina makes Bush look bad, and it doesn’t do much for the image of African-Americans, either.

2006 Bush loses "six Senate seats and 30-odd House seats" — but doesn’t change anything he’s doing, including his attempt at amnesty.

2007 The year the Axis of Amnesty failed, in spite of the Democratic majority in the legislature.

2008 The year of Obama. Obama coverage by the MainStream Media and even the conservative press paled beside’s coverage. Steve Sailer’s work on Obama deserves a Pulitzer, but isn’t likely to get one.

These may also turn out to be the last eight years of The New York Times and other old media stalwarts. They're running out of money, and have a lot of debt. We also need money, and have been asking you to give generously, so that we can continue to be here. If you have enjoyed reading us for the past eight years, I hope you can help us continue for the next eight.

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