Venezuelan Immigrant: Great Replacement In San Antonio Makes Case For Immigration Moratorium
As an immigrant (from Venezuela) who has lived in the U.S. for over two decades, I’ve witnessed many aspects of America’s demographic shift and what diversity looks like in the various cities I have had the pleasure and displeasure of residing in. No major city here is now safe from the Great Replacement, what Renaud Camus has called the “genocide by substitution” of the American people via mass migration.
The recent elections, eagerly called by the Leftist Main Stream Media for the Black Party, really brought this home.
I’ll start off by saying that I despise “diversity.” Unlike most Americans, I speak Spanish — largely the product of always speaking it at home with family. While I have respect for the language, I do not want it to be in widespread usage in the U.S., a country that was explicitly created for English-speakers. Countries should not cater to the ethnic grievances of foreigners they receive. For those reasons, I diligently worked on my English at school, with friends, and other non-family related functions. It helped that in my early years living in North Texas, I was situated in a relatively homogenous town with few foreigners and blacks. There was no incentive for me to cluster with other minorities in the area and pick up their bad habits. Despite hiccups here and there, my assimilation experience went rather smoothly.
Over the years, my work has taken me all over the States. While working in Washington D.C, I got to see firsthand the state of the black community. On any given night I would go out, there was bound to be some sort of incident worthy of a clip on WorldStarHipHop, so I was always on my toes. The stilted careerist attitude of many people living in the Swamp was also a major turn off. When I found another work opportunity that brought me back to Texas, I was ecstatic. I ended up in San Antonio doing political campaign work in 2016.
My daily routine in San Antonio consisted of canvassing in for a local Republican candidate. A number of the neighborhoods I canvassed were pretty rough and I could tell they were filled with all sorts of illicit activities. Living in ghettos across the country and abroad has taught me to recognize danger.
These neighborhoods were predominately Hispanic. But even though the San Antonio (64 percent Hispanic, 24 percent non-Hispanic white) area is now a Safe Space for Democrats, there are certain pockets where GOP candidates can still be competitive. They were generally whiter (80 percent of San Antonians told the Census they were white)or at least had assimilated Hispanics, usually “Tejanos” whose ancestors who have lived in Texas for generations, possibly even before the foundation of the American Republic.
Political apathy and turnout problems run deep among the Hispanic community [Why don’t Latinos vote?, The Economist, November 5, 2018].
This often saves white interests because there are more registered white voters and they have higher turnout. It’s not unusual to see districts that might be 60 percent Hispanic, but whose registered voter base is majority white.
But such advantages are only temporary as more migrants move in, settle down, and have kids. By the time their progeny is of voting age, these minority communities become more politically active, causing these areas to irreversibly tip. Hence, the importance of passing an immigration moratorium to encourage assimilation and deprive Democrats of an even larger voter pipeline.
Nevertheless, my interactions with Hispanic Republican and independent-leaning voters were eye-opening. Contrary to the conventional wisdom coming from Conservatism Inc., many Hispanics were not repelled by talks about limiting immigration. In fact, they often brought up the subject before I did. A significant portion of Hispanics live in neighborhoods crawling with illegals, or work in places where illegals are frequently brought to displace American workers. They see firsthand what mass migration looks like. Some even told me how Mexican cartels have blended in with the Hispanic community, causing destabilization.
So much for diversity being a strength.
Although, I initially enjoyed living in San Antonio, the novelty soon began to wear off. I was constantly annoyed by some of the everyday activities dealing with clerks and other workers who possessed sub-par English skills. When I addressed them in English, I would have to repeat myself constantly just to get basic points across. This became a chore and out of frustration, I would revert to speaking in Spanish just to make my interactions go by as quickly as possible.
Those are the benefits of being bilingual. But most Americans don’t possess those skills — nor should they. This country was founded by those of English stock and while America has drawn its fair share of migrants, albeit with pauses to promote assimilation, there was always a very explicit expectation that they make an earnest effort to learn English. As the months went by, my daily interactions made me feel like I was living in a Spanish-speaking enclave.
Even worse, were my nocturnal experiences in my predominantly Hispanic neighborhood. On any given night, I could be kept up awake by loud ranchero music and individuals shouting in drunken Spanish for hours on end. There was no regard for productive individuals (such as myself!) who had to wake up early to make a living.
This reminded me of my experiences in Chile while living in an apartment complex filled with Colombians and Venezuelans who blasted reggaeton music for the whole complex to hear every weekend night until dawn. But they at least had the decency to do this only on weekend.
Alas, these are some of the many hidden costs that people must bear under diversity.
And I also started noticing a gradual rise in crime. Every other week in my neighborhood, gunshots would ring off or there would be some incident of property crime. Granted, this was not like my experience in D.C., but it still unsettled me. While Hispanic crime is low in comparison to Black crime (which should be considered a national emergency) Hispanic areas still have noticeable differences in public order when compared to majority white localities.
San Antonio was pretty dangerous during the 1990s when it was labeled the “Drive-by Shooting Capital.” In 1993 alone, there were 1,262 recorded incidents of drive-by shootings [“We Get All Hyped Up. We Do a Drive-by.”, by Audrey Duff, Texas Monthly, October 1994]. On the other hand, Dallas, which was less than ten percent smaller than San Antonio, only had 221 drive-by shootings that same year.
Thankfully, things improved somewhat. Texas does pride itself as being a Law-And-Order state and has invested significant resources in law enforcement over the years. However, demographic change is starting to throw a wrench in that. As San Antonio has become more Hispanic, crime is slowly creeping back up. Mexican criminal syndicates such as the Jalisco Nueva GeneraciĆ³n cartel are setting up shop and have used local gangs to push drugs such as cocaine, heroin, marijuana, and methamphetamine [New report shows how Mexican cartels are infiltrating Texas,, November 15, 2017].
In my view, criminal activities of the sort will continue if Hispanic immigration continues. We often forget that the Italian mafia was able to maintain its prominence thanks to the large pool of Italian migrants it could constantly recruit from through the early 20th century. That changed when the U.S. decided to clamp down on mass migration in the 1920s, and the mob had trouble tapping into the Italian community for fresh muscle in the subsequent decades.
There was a general sense in 2016 that San Antonio was on the verge of hitting a new crime wave after the city reported 146 homicides, the most since 1995. The Ferguson Effect, in which police hesitated to go after criminals following 2014’s mass riots in Ferguson MO, clearly contributed. [Homicides spike in San Antonio, putting the city on track to have one of its deadliest years in decades, by Emilie Eaton, San Antonio Express-News, August 7, 2020]The good news was that in 2017 — the year I left the city — crime began declining again in San Antonio. But Homicides have begun surging again in 2020, which some criminal experts believe is set to match the homicide records set in the mid-90s.
The Black Lives Matter insanity has likely contributed to this upswing, with police less enthusiastic about doing their jobs thanks to the media and pro-criminal politicians constantly attacking them. Even Austin, where I’m living now, is witnessing a similar rise in murder rates. The situation is bad all around.
In Texas, Democrats generally hold a 60-to-40 advantage over Hispanic voters. Sometimes it can get close to 70-30 depending on the election cycle. During the 2020 elections, Bexar County (where San Antonio is situated) went 58 to 40 percent in favor of Democratic candidate Joe Biden [How Bexar County and surrounding counties voted in the 2020 presidential election, by Mark Dunphy, October 30, 2020]. Some analysts believe that San Antonio proper decisively went to Biden 61.8 to 36.5 percent.
You can bet that Conservatism Inc. will still maintain its delusions about the Hispanic vote. The GOP apparently overperformed with the demographic in South Texas, though conservative apparatchiks will ignore that border security concerns, not abstract critiques of socialism, were what propelled these Hispanics to vote Republican.
Bexar County is 61 percent Hispanic and percent 27.1 percent non-Hispanic White, so one way or the other, the area will stay Democratic based on Hispanic’s political views and voting patterns. By contrast, the area was a safe Republican county in previous decades when there was a larger Anglo population. For example, the non-Hispanic white population in San Antonio was 47.7 percent in 1970 but dropped to 27.1 percent by 2019. According to Dave Leip’s Atlas of U.S. Presidential Elections, Ronald Reagan swept Bexar County 52-45 in 1980 and 60-40 in Reagan’s 1984 re-election bid.
As the area became less white in the past four decades, Democrats have gradually gained ground and are now in firm control of the county. This is an undeniable macrotrend in all of Texas’ major urban centers. Increased Latin American migration to the area will likely accelerate its ethnic ghettoization and make it less hospitable for legacy Americans who tend to vote GOP.
Not coincidentally, San Antonio’s politics have become loonier as the city has become less white. Given its solid Democrat control, its local politicians have made it a point to advance the Left’s agenda. In 2019, the San Antonio City Council blocked Chick-fil-A from opening a restaurant in San Antonio airport for its alleged “legacy of anti-LGBTQ behavior.” The following year the City Council took its Political Correctness to another level by passing a resolution condemning the use of terms such as the “Chinese virus” or the “kung fu virus” to refer to COVID-19 [ San Antonio City Council Approves Resolution Denouncing Use Of 'Chinese Virus' to Describe COVID-19, by Joey Palacios, Texas Public Radio, May 9, 2020 at 9:53 AM CDT]. Although this resolution has no real teeth, it’s just another indicator of where the city is heading towards both culturally and politically.
The city council’s diversity speaks for itself. The municipal body of 11 features a Jewish mayor, 7 Hispanics, one black, and only two white Americans (now that’s what I call meeting a diversity quota!). The composition of the San Antonio city council is likely a preview of what the U.S will look like under a radical diversity regime. Buckle up!
Overall, San Antonio is a nice city with a rich history that makes it uniquely Texan. Unfortunately, the growing Leftist advance and the U.S. Ruling Class’s mass migration fixation will likely turn this otherwise wonderful city into a Third World dumpster. The world has plenty of those to spare.
The Texas GOP must wake up to the realities of mass migration. Texas is no longer a blood Red state. In 2000, the George W. Bush decisively won the state by 21 percent. 20 years later, Donald Trump only won it by 5.5 percent. To anyone with eyes to see, change is coming to Texas. And not the good sort.
Democrats are salivating at the prospect of flipping Texas. With Sun Belt states such as Arizona and Georgia falling to the Democrats’ grasp, adding Texas to the leftist column will put America one major step closer to One-Party rule at the federal level.
From there, all bets are off.
For the sake of preserving our constitutional republic, the GOP needs to take the National Question seriously. Nothing short of a multi-decade immigration moratorium is needed to protect America from a Third World demographic avalanche.
Pedro de Alvarado is a Hispanic dissident who is well aware of the realities of race from his experience living throughout Latin America and in the states.
As a native of lands conquered by brave Spaniards but later subverted by centuries of multi-racial trickery and despotic governance, Pedro offers clear warnings to Americans about the perils of multi-racialism.