View From Lodi, CA: Joe Says Make Buche de Noel for Christmas!

By Joe Guzzardi


Two years ago, I wrote a column suggesting that readers throw tradition out the window at their annual Christmas dinner and serve Key Lime Pie.

Not only is Key Lime Pie easy and foolproof but also from my experience, guests prefer the tangy taste of key limes in their pies to apple, sweet potato or any of the other flavors more commonly found at the Christmas table.

This year, I have different advice. Take the time and make the effort to prepare a Buche de Noel. The Yule Log, with its three separate steps — icing, filling and roulade — isn’t something you can whip together on a whim. But it is not hard to do by any means.

And my totally chocolate version — which rejects mascarpone cheese or disgusting chestnut flavors — is a treat that your family will be remember for years.

Real Yule logs — as in the kind that come from trees — have played an important part in French history for centuries. Until the late 1800s, the common custom was that when large families gathered together as a group under one roof, each brought a log for the fire.

With everyone standing around the fireplace, the family would sing carols before going to midnight mass.

The Buche de Noel didn’t become popular as a dessert until the early 20th Century. With meringue mushrooms adorning the log, the resemblance to a tree trunk is unmistakable.

With our brief history lesson complete, let’s proceed without further ado to the kitchen.

Like all experienced bakers, I know the importance of mise en place. For most that means having all your ingredients measured, your pans in place and your oven pre-heated.

In my case, I have one additional step before embarking on a baking project of this magnitude. My beloved dogs, Fido and Sparkle, must be shipped off to doggie day care.

As much as Fido and Sparkle love their kibble, pastry is what sends them into frenzy. And with no door on my kitchen…well, you can imagine.

The recipe that follows is based on one used by Laduree, the world famous French pastry shop that sells thousands of these rolled, lip-smacking Yule Logs annually.

Begin with your icing. This recipe makes a ton of it. I am of the school that says there is no such thing as too much frosting. If it’s too much for you, store what’s left over to pour over vanilla ice cream to eat during the Rose Bowl.

Prepare your roulade as the frosting cools:


From this point on, the operative words are BE CAREFUL.


Frost and Finishing Touches:

Chef’s Confession:

Final words of encouragement: Don’t be intimidated by the Buche de Noel. You can do it.

Joe Guzzardi, an instructor in English at the Lodi Adult School, has been writing a weekly column since 1988. It currently appears in the Lodi News-Sentinel.

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