A CA Reader Says Media Coverage Of Richmond High School Rape Requires "Barf Bags"
From: Angie Saxon:
Re: James Fulford’s Blog: Victim In Richmond, CA Minority Gang Rape Is White; Black Columnist Asks What’s Race Got To Do With It
Mary Carey, a criminal lawyer (contact information here) defending Jose Carlos Montano the 18-year-old charged with raping a white Richmond High School girl, called her client "sensitive" [Rape Victim: Violence Always The Wrong Choice, by Kevin Fagan and Henry Lee, San Francisco Chronicle, November 4, 2009]
In view of the case’s brutal details, Carey’s claim is outrageous.
But why would the San Francisco Chronicle play it up — except to generate sympathy for the perpetrator? Just because Carey said it doesn’t mean it has to be given this treatment. (Ask reporters Kevin Fagan and Henry K. Lee .)
Barf bags all around for this story.
Saxon’s previous letters about the University of California’s decision to expand the numbers of Asian ethnicities to its admission categories and the Mexican drug cartels' complicity in the California fires are here and here.