A California Reader Notes Possible Hispanic Jury Nullification In The City Of Bell Corruption Trial

By VDARE.com Reader


From: Steve Smith

Re: James Fulford’s blog post Corruption In Bell, California, December 24, 2010

The jurors in the City of Bell corruption case have been hung for some time.

Still no verdict in Bell corruption trial; jurors on Day 13, March 13, 2013

The City of Bell corruption trial and the Mexican invasion are actually related, I think.

The Bell crooks will get a "pass" from Latinos on the jury (all they need is one ). So what if they parlayed their 1.1 sq mile city of 35,000 illegal aliens into $100K per year city council salaries and $600K+ city manager salary? The people of Bell love their crook council.

Why should the Latinos care anyway? They got their invasion on somebody else’s dime, they're here to loot.

So what if the Bell City Council looted the city? They did it while promoting Mexican invasion — "they did it for the people". Look at the bond proceeds their graft produced, all the elections they bought.

See more letters from Steve Smith.

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