A Rural New Jersey Reader Say That Only Wealthy Horse Owners Want Illegal Labor
Patrick Cleburne’s blog post Are Horse Types The Most Selfish People In America?
From An Anonymous Reader In New Jersey
I enjoyed Patrick Cleburne’s follow-up story on wealthy horse owners taking advantage of poor people from other countries. I posted it on Facebook and my cousin immediately noted that she is a horse owner but not wealthy. This made me realize just how many horse owners I know — none of them wealthy — hire local people to care for their horses when they can’t. My cousin, for example, hires local kids to help her with stable cleaning, exercise, shoeing, and so on.
We also live very close to the prosperous “horse country” of Sussex, New Jersey, where things are different (A Nation story documents Lou Dobbs’ hypocritical hiring of illegals at his sprawling horse farm in Sussex: Lou Dobbs, American Hypocrite October 7, 2010).
My question is, what happens when the workers in Westchester (and Sussex and elsewhere) start agitating for the same rights as the people they see around them? One man in the Nation story says when he is documented, he will be able to get better work … but will he really?
When he and others are given those rights, won’t they be fired because they are no longer willing to work for a “market wage” (the argument some other libertarians use is that Americans are not willing to work for a market wage so imports are required), and cheap replacements shipped in? And the cycle continues.
To demonstrate creative problem solving among non-wealthy horse owners, I leave you with this real post from a classified-ad publication called “The Little Paper” that is distributed for free in grocery stores and businesses in my area:
HELP WANTED. Female to exercise horse and/or clean stalls & other chores. Must fit in a 14” Western saddle. Call Hank (number). Must be honest and reliable. FREE MANURE.