A California Reader Reports That Bell, California, Which Is Already 90 Percent Hispanic, Is Happy To Get Border Kids — And Federal Funding

By VDARE.com Reader


From: Steve Smith

The generous Mayor of the City of Bell, CA, Nestor Valencia (former illegal himself) welcomes children of illegals (as long as feds pick up the tab).[Bell considering opening shelter for immigrant children, By Leanne Suter, KABC, July 12, 2014]

Bell is one of those illegal alien destination cities (87% Adults foreign born) where existing illegal alien residents if given the chance would smuggle children, friends and relatives in to the country to live with them-also on the public dole, ideally they'd like to get the feds to pick up the hosting tab permanently and employ Bell SEIU union workers to help.

If an illegal alien child were found in the forest, odds are pretty good the parent would live near Bell CA.

On another City of Bell tidbit, the state finally sentenced the first perp in the Bell conspiracy. (See Corruption In Bell, California and Bell, California Hispanic Mayor’s Defense: Ignorance Of The Law…And Illiteracy!, By James Fulford in 2010.)

Latino councilman George Mirabal got a nominal year in jail as part of a suspended sentence. [Bell city councilman Mirabal sentenced to jail, By Miriam Hernandez, KABC, July 11, 2014]HE was guilty as hell, could have got four years, and much more if the prosecutors had looked for more fraud. (They didn’t, investigators didn’t audit any of the bond proceeds or spending or donations or…)

See more letters from Steve Smith.

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