A California Reader Wonders Why The Hispanic Lobby Won’t Explain How Latinos Have Become America’s "Fastest Growing Segment"

By VDARE.com Reader


05/23/10 — A Michigan Woman Wonders What VDARE.com Thinks About Lebanese-Born Miss U.S.A, Rima Fakih

From: Bill Sarni

Re: Joe Guzzardi’s Column: MSP Treason Lobby Propagandists Faring Badly — But Fired Sacramento Bee Editor Rick Rodriguez Lands Plum Job At Arizona State University

In his column, Guzzardi cited both Arizona State University Dean Christopher Callahan and Professor Rick Rodriguez as saying that Latinos are America’s "fastest growing segment". They mean, of course, that demographically the Hispanic population is increasing more rapidly than any other.

Callahan and Rodriguez are guilty of the familiar half-truth syndrome that is so familiar in academia and the media.

Yes, the Hispanic population is exploding. But the increase is fueled entirely by illegal immigration. And although Callahan and Rodriguez suggest a denser Hispanic population is a good thing, it is not. Over-immigration and over-population are two things the United States does not need.

Sarni’s previous letter about how elite politicians have ruined his native California is here.

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