A Colorado Reader Says To Shut Felipe Calderon Up, Deny Him A Forum

By VDARE.com Reader


05/24/10 — A California Reader Wonders Why The Hispanic Lobby Won’t Explain How Latinos Have Become America’s "Fastest Growing Segment"

From: Thomas York

Re: Brenda Walker’s Blog: Rep. Tom McClintock Smacks Down Presidente Calderon

I support Arizona’s S.B.1070 without reservation and have urged my legislators to enact a similar law.

But I’m troubled by all the hand-wringing about Felipe Calderon’s meddling.

Of course, Calderon is complaining — just like we do about laws in Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and China.

The difference is that the U.S. provides Calderon with a forum, Congress, from which he can take his pot shots.

Can you imagine the Mexican Congress or the Iranian Parliament allowing President Barack Obama to lecture them foreign policy if he were a guest in their country?

The answer is to deny Calderon a platform. No more invitations to address Congress, at least none that aren’t preceded by a strong warning similar to the one issued after the fact by McClintock not to mention immigration.

York is a retired real estate executive.

James Fulford writes: We at VDARE.com agree with you — during the previous Presidente’s term in office, we published a column by Sam Francis titled Vicente Fox Should Be Arrested And Thrown Out Of U.S. For Good. Unfortunately, it’s not up to us — these invitations are issued by Barack Hussein Obama and Nancy Pelosi. They like Calderon’s message, to the point that people wondered if Calderon had used Obama’s speechwriters.

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