A CO Reader Wants Eva Longoria To Go Back Sipping Cocktails And Calling Her Publicist

By VDARE.com Reader


07/24/07 — A Canadian Reader U.S. Needs Immigrants In A Global Economy; Joe G. Disagrees

Re: Joe Guzzardi’s Column: Eva Longoria: Desperate For More Immigration

From: Kurt

In Guzzardi’s article about Longoria, the pampered Hollywood star and immigration activist laments the "hardships" of illegal aliens and offers the following opinion:

"It’s an exploitation of people who leave everything behind: their country, their family, their lives, their language, their religion."

Really? Let’s look at the things Longoria claims immigrants have left behind:

I thank Ms. Longoria for her remarkable insights. Now she can go back to her elitist schedule of sipping cocktails, getting her hair done and calling her publicist.

In the meantime, the rest of us will return to our 9 to 5 jobs so we can pay for the immigration that Longoria supports so much.

The writer is a sales and marketing consultant in the Boulder area. His previous letter is here.

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