VDARE.com: Saturday’s Letters: A Kansas Reader Trying To Bring His Family Legally To America Loses Three Years In Line Because Of An Illegal Alien Amnesty; etc.
Saturday’s Letters: A Kansas Reader Trying To Bring His Family Legally To America Loses Three Years In Line Because Of An Illegal Alien Amnesty; etc.
From: Gary Butner
Recently, I looked at the July 2006 Visa Bulletin Priority Dates for Family Sponsored Visas. See the tables below.
I was shocked to see that, for Europeans, the First and Second Priority Dates have regressed approximately one and half years.
Last month they were processing individuals with a First Family Priority from Europe with a date of April 22, 2001. In July they will be processing individuals in the same class from Europe with a date of January 1, 2000. It appears to me somebody was put at the head of the line in front of people who have been waiting overseas for years.
There are 23,400 visas per year in this group, and the only way I can see for the date to regress is for many individuals to be put ahead of those in line.
I questioned why the dates were stuck on April 2001 for one year, and only after considerable research discovered it was due to Section 245(I) an amnesty about which few are aware.
[VDARE.com note: read the definition of 245(i), here. It is one of seven (7) amnesties granted since 1986. The other six are explained here.]
Upon looking closer, I note that the dates for Europe, China and India regressed but the dates for Mexico and the Philippines advanced.
It appears once again the Mexicans are being pandered to by our politicians.
I am directly impacted by these changes. My wife and I applied to bring my stepdaughter from Russia in August 2002 knowing my wife would be a citizen soon. My stepdaughter’s priority date is August 30, 2002. Originally, the priority date for Europe was July 1, 1996, and so we expected a wait, but doing things legally was important to us.
As the years went by we kept getting closer and closer, and in January 2004 they were working on August 1, 2000, a wait of only 41 months.
We calculated she would be able to come in early 2006. However, in March 2004 the visas for her classification ran out, and the priority date was stuck on October 22, 2000 for eight months.
Then in May 2005 I noticed the priority dates were stuck on April 2001 until June 2006.
When I looked again at the Visa Bulletin, I discovered my stepdaughter’s new priority date had regressed to January 2000 which is where we were at in July 2003.
In other words, almost overnight my stepdaughter lost three years in line.
A further examination of the latest two Visa Bulletins revealed Mexico advanced in the First Family Priority four and one-half months. Never mind that almost twice as many Mexicans have been allowed to legally immigrate to America in the last 15 years as all of Europe combined not including the illegal aliens allowed to live in the country unbothered.
My wife sees the number of Mexicans in the country illegally, and she gets upset knowing their cause is being promoted while her daughter and grandson are ignored.
She is dismayed that she has to travel to Russia to see her daughter and grandson, and that our government will not allow her children to even visit due to the fact they are considered "intended immigrants." Their applications were approved last year, and we paid the INS hundreds of dollars and the National Visa Center the $760 fee for the visas.
Yet they are forced to wait until they have a visa number that I estimate will be in another eight years.
This is what it is like to emigrate legally from Europe.
June 2006
Family |
All Chargeability Areas |
1st |
22APR01 |
22APR01 |
22APR01 |
01JAN92 |
01SEP91 |
2A* |
22APR01 |
22APR01 |
22APR01 |
22JUL99 |
22APR01 |
2B |
01AUG96 |
01AUG96 |
01AUG96 |
22OCT91 |
08JUL96 |
3rd |
01AUG98 |
01AUG98 |
01AUG98 |
01MAR93 |
01JUL88 |
4th |
01MAR95 |
01MAR95 |
15AUG94 |
15AUG93 |
01NOV83 |
July 2006
Family |
All Chargeability Areas |
1st |
01JAN00 |
01JAN00 |
01JAN00 |
15MAY92 |
22SEP91 |
2A |
01SEP99 |
01SEP99 |
01SEP99 |
01SEP99 |
01SEP99 |
2B |
22AUG96 |
22AUG96 |
22AUG96 |
01DEC91 |
08JUL96 |
3rd |
22AUG98 |
22AUG98 |
22AUG98 |
15OCT93 |
01JUL88 |
4th |
01MAY95 |
01MAY95 |
01OCT94 |
15AUG93 |
15DEC83 |
VDARE.com comment: This is another example of how immigration law is enforced only against people who obey the law. Butner served six years on a Special Forces A-Team during the 1960s. He says that the U.S. immigration system is "corrupt" and has no interest "in truth, justice and the American way." He’s right.
Saturday’s Letters: A Texas Educator Says Foreign Teachers Have No Place In An American Classroom
From: Ruth Miriam Sellers, M.Ed. (Retired)
Re: Joe Guzzardi’s Column: As I Predicted: Lodi Unified School District Takes The Bait; Hires Filipino Teachers
I read Guzzardi’s article about the Filipino teachers coming to Lodi, California.
I am strongly against this move. There are too many differences between foreigners (from any nation) and Americans. They have not lived here, do not understand American ideology and have little knowledge about America’s foundation or her Constitution.
Teachers from overseas will bring what they understand to be acceptable practices to their classrooms. But since they have no training in an American classroom, their teaching methods may not be effective.
Until America wakes up to the fact that teachers should be paid as much as engineers, doctors, lawyers and other professionals, college students will choose the higher paying careers. This flight from careers in education creates the so-called teacher shortage.
When they are fairly compensated, there will be an influx of capable American teachers and scholars available to fill classroom vacancies.
Sellers is a retired teacher and freelance writer whose articles have been published in World and I and History Magazine.
Saturday’s Letters: A Reader Says Tough "Nuggies" For Racist White Boys
From: Herb Salit
Dear Racist White-boy:
If you don’t like Mexican (not "Hispanic") immigrants, then I have advice for you: Move!! Ha! Ha! White-boy, it’s tough "nuggies" for you and your Republican right-wing "White Christs!"
Mexican immigrants — the majority of US immigrants — are enabling the US to enjoy some modest population growth, while the White population now shrinks, and these good people supply most of the physical labor to enable your way-too-high lifestyles to continue.
Of course, White Amurica [sic] soon will have to pay for all of its consumption — too bad!!
No matter how White-Christ racist you get, White-boy, the "Reaper" will be coming after you and your relatives for your "dues."
Sorry, nobody explained the rules of planet Earth to you: Amurica [sic] is not the "exceptional" nation you all thought it was!! Too bad!
Bye, bye,
"The folks who will inherit the fifty states from the disappearing White-boys."
Joe Guzzardi comments: While I am "white," I am not a Republican. I was a Democratic candidate for California governor in 2003.
Saturday’s Letters: A Florida Reader Wonders What Became of Cuban Gratitude
From: William Price
I work for a Miami door company. Several employees told me today with a big smile on their face that since I live Miami, I had better learn to speak Spanish.
These comments came from Cubans who came to America from a Communist dictatorship and whom we welcomed with open arms.
Supposedly, they are naturalized American citizens. American citizens?
The Cubans show more allegiance to Cuba than to America.
They want us now to speak Spanish and adopt their culture.
Just think what would happen if we granted another amnesty to 20 million more people.
Price, who is 53 years-old and a lifelong resident of South Florida, believes that "if we proceed down the Senate and President’s path on immigration, we will be finished as a nation."