A Houston CPA Says: Hike Visa Fees To Generate Billions!
07/23/10 — An Indiana Reader Has "Buyer’s Remorse" Over Senator Richard Lugar
From: George Weinbaum
Rummaging through my immigration files, I came upon this story from one of amnesty’s biggest advocates, the Houston Chronicle.
Wrote reporter James Pinkerton:
"And although the immigration system is complex, the basic problem is simple: There are many more immigrants wanting to enter than the number of visas available each year under a quota and preference system implemented by Congress".
[Visa Backlog Puts Lives on Hold for Years, by James Pinkerton, Houston Chronicle, June 15, 2008]
If so, we have learned anything from "Uncle Miltie", aka Milton Friedman, raise the visa fee!
Auction off 300,000 visas a year (that’s a lower number than are being handed out today).
Why 300,000? It’s .001 of our current population, rounded down.
My idea of a fair price: $250,000 each. That would generate $75 billion a year. Furthermore, any immigrant who can afford $250,000 would likely be self-supporting.
Lastly, any illegal alien who entered without a valid visa might be charged with some variant of grand theft.
A letter from Weinbaum about Barack Obama’s average SAT scores is here. Other Weinbaum letters are archived here.