A Mexican-American Reader Predicts the Reconquista is Just a Matter of Time…and He Can’t Wait
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From: Anthony Lowry
Re: Joe Guzzardi’s Column: Enough Already About the Mexican-American War!
Let’s just say I agree with then-Illinois Congressman Abraham Lincolns' opposition to the US war against Mexico. Read his speech given on January 12, 1848 here.
As the entire southwest becomes ever more Hispanic … with or without immigration…the Mexican-American war will take on more importance. It doesn’t matter what Guzzardi thinks, that’s the way it’s gonna be!
Remember that births, not immigration, are now the main driver of Hispanic population growth. And the University of California reports that as of 2001, Hispanics are now the majority of all births in California.
By the bicentennial of the theft of the northern half of Mexico’s territory, we (I’m half Hispanic) will again be the majority in these lands!
The white percentage will be much lower among the under-25 population. The Public Policy Institute of California, PPIC, estimates 60% of all K-12 students in California will be Hispanic by 2020. Now imagine how much greater it will be 2050?
Whites will barely be 34% of California population in 20 years … not to mention Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and Nevada and to a lesser extent Colorado.
The white percentage will be much lower among the under-25 population. The Public Policy Institute of California, PPIC, estimates 60% of all K-12 students in California will be Hispanic by 2020. Now imagine how much greater it will be 2050?
If this is such a problem for Guzzardi, then he should go back to Italy where he belongs!
P.S. Don’t give me treason BS! I am a US Army veteran. Mexican-American visions for America’s future are as valid as any white nationalist’s like you.
By Joe Guzzardi replies: Well, as I wrote in my column, I don’t understand the mentality. I can’t fathom how people like Lowry can get so hot and bothered by a passing reference in a speech made by a freshman Whig Congressman a century and a half ago…even if the Congressman’s name is Lincoln.
Aren’t there more current and compelling issues (like the war in Iraq) to consume us?
And what is the fascination the reconquistas have with turning the southwest into Mexico. That country is morally and financially bankrupt … is the goal to be as futile a society as Mexico?
Really, if Lowry is so anxious to live among Mexicans, there is a simpler, more immediate solution. Mexicana Airlines advertises daily low fares to all major Mexican cities.
Buy a ticket and leave today!