A New Jersey Reader Says The GOP Must Challenge Sonia Sotomayor’s Appointment If It Expects To Energize Its Dwindling Base

By VDARE.com Reader


05/27/09 — A New York Lawyer Calls Sonia Sotomayor "A Reliable Leftist-Liberal"

From: J. Richard Bert

Is there anyone alive dumb enough to believe that if the Republicans challenge Sonia Sotomayor’s Supreme Court nomination, the party will lose the Hispanic vote?

What Hispanic vote are they talking about? The one we don’t have?

For eight years, President George W. Bush pushed amnesty. He appointed a Mexican Attorney General, Alberto Gonzales; a Cuban HUD Secretary, Mel Martinez and a Cuban Commerce Secretary, Carlos Gutierrez. In fact, Bush had the most diverse staff in presidential history. [Bush Is Opening Doors With Diverse Cabinet, by Susan Page, USA Today, December 9, 2004]

That’s not all.

When Bush’s would-be successor, John McCain, started pandering to Hispanics, Barack Obama was a Columbia undergraduate.

Here is what the Republicans got in exchange for their years of kissing Hispanic butts: a big fat zero.

The only strategy that might make sense would be if the Republicans, as the opposition party, go after Sototmayor to expose her as a left-wing radical with a pre-determined agenda.

There’s a chance that vigorous opposition might energize the depleted GOP base. But to sit back and let the Democrats have their way on Sotomayor without even token resistance is too depressing to contemplate.

Bert’s previous letters about what he views as amnesty’s remote chances during Barack Obama’s first term and Governor Jon Corzine’s moral turpitude are here and here.

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