A Reader Adds "U" Visas To List Of Obama’s Stealth Amnesty Tricks
08/28/10 — A Reader Says That VDARE.com And James Edwards Fill Different Niches
From: Mara Alexander (email her)
Re Patrick Cleburne’s blog: Federale: Obama Stealth Amnesty expanding
Don’t forget ICE’s abuse of the U visa program to provide amnesty for 10,000 illegal aliens a year. This year for the first time, they're using all the visas. In fact it seems that they're actively seeking applicants.
The program was intended to encourage illegal aliens who had been the victims of crime to come forward and cooperate with authorities in prosecuting the perpetrators. ICE is now bending that purpose, as in the current case of Blanca Catt.
Ms. Catt was brought here illegally as a child. She was taken from her parents because of their abuse and was placed in foster care, from which she was adopted. However, Ms. Catt’s adoptive parents were told she was a U.S. citizen and didn’t bother to verify it, until Ms. Catt found out at age 16, in applying for a driver’s license, that she is not a citizen.
ICE has told her she’s on the waiting list for a U-visa, which will allow her to remain here "temporarily" for four years and after that apply for a green card. They're granting the visa based on the fact that she was "abused" more than a decade ago — despite the fact that her parents/abusers were never detained or prosecuted, and that Ms. Catt herself has not testified or helped police in prosecuting her parents.
I have no problem with Ms. Catt getting legal status, but this just shows how programs are being bent to purposes other than intended to get legal status for as many illegal aliens as possible. [Adopted teen, 19, on visa fast track, The Associated Press, August 20. 2010]
By the way, the federal government doesn’t have any problems with having local police take the time and effort to fill out forms that will help these illegal aliens get the U-visa, but when it comes to having local police ENFORCE immigration law … .