
A Reader Comments On Fahrenheit 9/11 And The National Question

By VDARE.com Reader


July 13, 2004

The Wall Street Journal suppresses FAIR Founder John Tanton’s protest — but VDARE.com Rescues It Anyway.

From: Randall Burns [email him]

Michael Moore’s new film Fahrenheit 9/11 has broken box-office records. In doing so, it is remaking the genre of documentaries.

What are the implications for the National Question? Well, Moore, for all his liberal credentials, does in fact broach these topics:

Addressing those issues puts Moore ahead of most of the 'Open-border', Republican leaders, including hypocrites like Trent Lott who supported H-1b expansion.

Also worth noting:

Moore proved that controversial, low-budget documentary films that criticize George Bush and corporate leadership can make money.

Can the community concerned about the National Question do anything similar? In this day and age of cheap Sony Camcorders, we could see the money people becoming irrelevant — fast.

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