A Reader Compares And Contrasts Myrtle Beach Black Bike Week 2014 With the Waco Gun Fight Of 2015

By VDARE.com Reader


Re: Nicholas Stix’s article The Wild Ones and the Mild Ones: The One-Sided War Over Black Terror Week

From: Professor Of Mystery

It’s always good to compare apples and apples when you get the chance. What is the difference between the recent outbreak of mayhem and death in Waco with the bikers and the outbreak of mayhem and death in Black Bike Week Myrtle Beach 2014?

The body count is similar but of course in Waco half the body count is the result of police firing at white rioters. Four bikers in Waco killed by other bikers and apparently five killed by cops.

In Myrtle Beach the same approximate number of people shot … none by cops. [Follow Up — The Myrtle Beach Massacre Leads Community To Call For An End of Black Bike Week…., The Conservative Treehouse, May 27, 2014]

So if you are white don’t riot. If you are black feel free to melee.

See previous letters from the same reader.

By James Fulford writes: The difference between the white gang violence in Waco and what happens at Black Bike Week is the difference between organized and unorganized crime. The Waco bikers were members of organized gangs who were supposed to be having a “sit-down”. The restaurant is being sued for hosting such a predictably dangerous event.

The Black Beach Week bikers were just random African-American motorcyclists in town for a party. The town was being sued by the NAACP for the crime of thinking that Black Beach Week was a a predictably dangerous event. The differences is between what we’re allowed to Notice and what we’re not.

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