
A Reader Wonders Why There Is So Much News About The "DC Mansion Murder" — Aren’t Minority Atrocities Supposed To Be Ignored?

By VDARE.com Reader


James Fulford’s blog post Quadruple Murder In DC Apparently BOTH Immigrant Mass Murder And Disgruntled Minority Massacre

From: A Reader In Too-Diverse Houston

I've just read James Fulford’s excellent blog post about the apprehension of black immigrant Daron Wint (above) for the murders of the Savopoulos family and their housekeeper. Perhaps Mr. Fulford might find time to explain something about this incident that puzzles me, which is the national news coverage. Unlike the Wichita Massacre and Knoxville Horror, for example, the so-called "DC Mansion Murder" has slipped through the filter that usually restricts coverage of heinous crimes committed by persons of African descent to local news media only. As Daron Wint himself might say, waddup wid dat?

By James Fulford writes: I don’t know why the MSM has been featuring it when they bury other atrocities (Winchester Atrocity, Pearcy Massacre) but I see that there has been some counterpressure from the Washington Post saying they shouldn’t: see #RichLivesDontMatter: WaPo Tells Readers to Stop Caring About Horrific DC Slaughter

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