A Reader Goes To A Bilingual Job Fair And Sees Who’s Hiring Legions Of Foreigners

By VDARE.com Reader


02/25/07 — A Reader Says Immigration Enthusiasts Need A Wahmbulance

From: "A North Carolina Reader"

I just got back from the first TRIAD Bilingual Job Fair held at the Greensboro Coliseum in North Carolina today. (www.bilingualjobfair.com) This was a regional event promoted to localities within a 50 mile radius of the Greensboro/High Point/Winston-Salem TRIAD MSA.

Keep in mind that 25 years ago one pretty much had to go to find a Spanish professor or join the local international club if they were inclined to "talk the talk" around these parts.

There were numerous exhibitors (which will follow in detailed format) and during the 45 minutes I was present, I'd say there were over 250 job seekers milling about, the overwhelming majority (like 90%) were visibly and audibly Hispanic.

The sponsors were: Time Warner Cable, Greensboro Merchants Assoc., Greensboro Chamber of Commerce, WMAG FM 99.5 (English language), La Preciosa 94.5 FM (Spanish language) and The Business Journal. It was organized by G-Force Marketing Solutions and Dynamics Advertising Co.[Send them mail] "The Hispanic Market Experts — IT TAKES ONE TO KNOW ONE" -(emphasis added)

I have chosen to organize the exhibitor listing in order of ascending egregiousness:

And now for top position in this Bilingual Job Fair:


You read right folks. This booth was staffed by three baby faced African American youths in desert fatigues.

I approached them and said "They're really getting hard up for IED fodder, huh?" It really caught them off guard and one of them had to explain to the other what IED meant. Bless their hearts. They were on a 30 day temporary recruiting duty and were not full time recruiting officers. (Common practice in the Army.)

They did the best they could stuttering and stammering about how "It really isn’t like that." and I had neither the inclination nor the heart to try to set their heads straight about politics.

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