A Reader Says Immigration Enthusiasts Need A Wahmbulance

By VDARE.com Reader


02/24/07 — A Reader Asks When The US Is Going To Complain About The Mexican Military?

From: Kathy Miller In California

This Mercury News article below spoiled my Sunday breakfast. Apparently Rep. Lofgren believes we're punishing America by not having immigration reform (codeword: Amnesty). And Nancy Pelosi is urging her minions to pass comprehensive immigration law by the end of 2007. Merry Christmas everyone!

Here are parts of the article that are supposed to make you weep: there’s the engineer who cannot find work in Mexico, so he’s now a janitor picking up trash at a San Jose mall. (Waaah. What about American engineers who cannot find jobs because many have been outsourced?) Then there’s the poor "undocumented" De Anza college student who cannot get financial aid because he’s here illegally. He complains that other people have opportunities that he doesn’t have. (Waaaah. He’s entitled, don’t you know?) His tears caused the crowd to give him a standing ovation. There are other stories mentioned, all designed to make guilty white Anglos weep.

Also check out the statements below by public officials who want to bend laws for these people, "clear the roadblocks," and protect lawbreakers. It’s enough to make a person cry.

Lofgren vows immigration changes

Speaking Before 1,000 At Town Hall, She Promises Legislation By Year’s End

By James Hohmann, Mercury News, Feb. 25, 2007

Rep. Zoe Lofgren, D-San Jose, told an estimated crowd of 1,000 at a town hall meeting Saturday that she — at the urging of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi — would work to pass a comprehensive immigration law by the end of the year.

"With your help and your stories, I believe I can help others in the Congress understand,'' said Lofgren, who became chair of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration, Citizenship, Refugees, Border Security and International Law when the Democrats took control of Congress in January.

"If we are just punitive to those who have started to make a life here, who we will really punish is America.''

Her pledge came as part of a carefully staged 90-minute meeting in the sanctuary of St. Patrick’s Proto-Cathedral on East Santa Clara Street. The meeting was a response to the recent raids by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

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