A Reader Notes More Ethnic Cleansing In LA

By VDARE.com Reader


09/23/10 — An Obama Voter Figures Out — Too Late — That Obama Won’t Help The Middle Class

From : Steve Smith

Re: Man, 21, Killed In Hawthorne Stabbing, CBS Los Angeles, September 23, 2010

Just another random act of violence and targeted ethnic cleansing. This happens so often in LA that nobody bats an eye, and the police always call it a "random act of violence", or a "gang thing", even if the dead guy wasn’t in a gang. The Mainstream Media usually omits the fact that the "random act of violence" victim is usually a black male, and the race of the suspect(s).

The worst aspect of these "random:" ethnic killings", which rarely get solved, is that the political Establishment is actively protecting alien gang bangers and welcoming criminal invasion, and that the local citizenry tolerates it. Thus the knife-wielding illegal alien shot by police in the Westlake district of LA had a multiple arrest and release records at both the local and federal levels.

This particular killing took place in the "burn baby burn" district of Maxine Waters. (I wanted to post her "Rodney King Riot" footage where she urged the mob to burn the city to the ground but couldn’t find it — thanks, YouTube, for removing that epic footage) [VDARE.com note: See "Riot Is the Voice of the Unheard", Wall Street Journal, April 6, 2010] Ms. Waters is a member of the so-called "Congressional Black Caucus" where they pretend to address "black issues" but really feather their own nests.

Ms Waters' immigration voting record in Congress is one of the worst in the nation, and she’s not even Hispanic! She basically is pandering to people who displace and murder her constituents — while raising their taxes. You'd think that because her constituents were being systematically murdered and replaced by a hostile alien population, she'd protest. But you'd be wrong.

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