A Reader Says That If We Want A Better Class Of Refugees, We Could Take In The Russian-Germans

By VDARE.com Reader


From: Anthony Boehm

I read with interest Refugees Enriching Pittsburgh’s Allegheny County by Takuan Seiyo.

Mr. Seiyo made some good points, especially his rhetorical question about "where are the German refugees?"

Our Refugee Resettlement Program does not recognize Germans as a group as refugees, although at least one group of Germans, those from the former Soviet Union, have suffered enough to be considered such by any fair system.

Under Stalin, the Russian-Germans were targeted long before WWII for having connections with a country outside the USSR. In this, they shared the fate of Poles in the Ukraine. Once the Nazis invaded the USSR, the Volga German Republic was dissolved and ALL Germans were removed from the European USSR to Siberia and the "Stans." They have never been allowed to return to European Russia and their ancestral settlement areas. They are the only exiled ethnicity that has been denied this as a group.

The discrimination against the Germans continues to this day, albeit in a far lesser degree. Until the fall of the Soviet Union, it was virtually impossible for an ethnic German to get a university education or rise in the Party. This was confirmed to me by Soviet Jewish persons who were resettled in the US. They confirmed for me that the Germans were the most discriminated against group in the former USSR.

Germany has traditionally had a very generous "law of return," which allowed persons of German origin (generally from Eastern Europe) to resettle in Germany as "Spaetaussiedler." Due to the huge numbers that came after the fall of the USSR, the Germans instituted restrictions and did everything possible to encourage ethnic Germans to stay in the post-Soviet states. However, the discrimination and trauma associated with it continue. We now have a situation where many Germans, due to generations-long Soviet/Russian policies, are no longer able to speak German well enough to pass the test necessary for recognition as "Spaetaussiedler." They are German enough to be discriminated against, but not German enough to go to Germany.

For years, I have attempted to get the State Department to recognize this subset of Germans as a refugee group for resettlement in the US. Most have distant relatives in the Dakotas and elsewhere where Russian-Germans settled in the early years of the 20th century. They are farmers with the German work ethic. They share a common religion and ethnic stock with the majority of European-Americans, but they are not recognized as a group for resettlement.

The traitors who run this country prefer to resettle Hmong tribesmen, Somali Bantus (who have never seen a door knob before they get to America), Sudanese "lost boys" (who miraculously "find" their families and wives as soon as they get to the US) and secular Jews (who never saw the inside of a Synagogue before coming to the US resettlement program, and were never discriminated against in the Soviet Union, since they were secular atheists) to the deserving descendants of the Russian-Germans. [VDARE.com Note: Also the Tsarnaevs.]

Mr. Seiyo and people like him, who wonder where the German refugees are need only to look at the Russian-Germans as a possible source (probably several hundred thousand) of refugees who will assimilate into American culture in a generation, settle in rural areas which are losing population and NOT be a burden on the US taxpayer.

Anthony Boehm is a federal civil servant who has written two articles for VDARE.com.

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