A Reader Wants To Know If The Public Health Authorities Have Released The Race Of American Coronavirus Victims?
A Reader Wants To Know If The Public Health Authorities Have Released The Race Of American Coronavirus Victims?
Re: Chinese Scientists Find MORE Evidence That Coronavirus (a.k.a. COVID-19) Discriminates By Race
From: Anthony Boehm
I saw Lance Welton’s interesting piece on VDARE.com about possible ethnic susceptibility to Covid-19. Does anyone know if the government is keeping track of the ethnic origin of US fatalities?
They seem to keep track of ethnicity in all other things. I'd love to know if Asian-Americans are being hit harder than the rest of us.
VDARE.com editor Peter Brimelow replies: I’m sure the health authorities do have this information, they’re just not releasing it. The same thing happened with SARS with the result that even I didn’t realize until recently how conclusive was the evidence that it was Oriental-specific, although we carried articles on how it was being brought in by immigration.