06/07/09 — A California Educator Makes An Offer To DREAM Act Supporters
From: Ray Perez
Re: Brenda Walker’s Blog: Intel Disseminates Diversity Propaganda (To Benefit Itself)
Beyond the fact that Intel’s rock star video advertisement starring Ajay Bhatt is very much redolent of self-serving diversity propaganda, the company is rather disingenuous in referring to Bhatt as the "co-inventor of USB."
The USB was an initiative involving numerous engineers from a consortium of companies that included DEC, Compaq, Microsoft, and National Semiconductor
(among others) in addition to Intel
The physicist Freeman Dyson once said "A good engineer is a person who
makes a design that works with as few original ideas as possible. There are no prima donnas in engineering."
That is certainly the case with Bhatt.
Furthermore, UC Davis Professor Norm Matloff adroitly pointed out (in reference to another favorite of the India Inc. Lobby, Intel engineer and purported "Father of the Pentium" Vinod Dham) that on modern engineering projects like those
involving the Pentium or USB, no one is indispensable including Indian nationals at U.S. firms exuding a holier-than-thou attitude toward their American colleagues.
Perez lives in the Fort Worth area.