Florida Reader Says Take Your Choice — Charity For Aliens Or Your Family
From: Wanda de Jesus
Re: Joe Guzzardi’s column: Mexico’s Take Over Of California: Complete By 2014?
California is not the only state going under.
Here in Florida, tax receipts are down dramatically. And for workers, our tax bite is up — the double whammy.
According to the data:
"Skyrocketing property taxes have established local taxes as, by far, the fastest growing level of taxation in Florida.
Local taxes increased by a phenomenal 50 percent in just three years (2004-2007). As a result, these taxes now almost equal the amount of state taxes paid by Floridians. Local taxes were 9 percent of Floridians' tax bill in 1980; they now comprise 16 percent of the total tax burden."
Those few remaining fiscally safe states will be bled dry paying for bad management — that is, tolerance of illegal aliens — in other states
Illegal immigration is no longer an issue to be debated in feel good terms.
It is now a matter of survival. Which do you choose — charity for aliens or your family?
Wake up, fellow Floridians — and New Yorkers, Texans and all the rest.
Your turn is next.
de Jesus, a third generation American, is a primary school teacher in the Miami area. Her previous letter about Miami mayor Manny Diaz is here.