
A Supporter Reports The Sierra Staff-NPR-SPLC Axis Is Attacking VDARE.com Again; Peter Brimelow Comments

By VDARE.com Reader


March 29, 2004

Two Angry Readers Want Peter Brimelow To Go Home. He Shrugs Patiently.


[See also: NPR vs. VDARE.com; etc. by James Fulford]

You are probably well aware that the NPR evening program "On Point" [Contact "On Point"] featured a debate between Sierra Club board member and former president Robert Cox and Richard Lamm on the Sierra Club election [Sierra Club Slingfest Listen, March 23, 2004]

A few observations:

It will be interesting to see how the vote goes. My sense is that if the pro-population stabilization slate wins, this will go a long way towards neutering leftist mouthpieces like the SPLC. What would help even more is another Prop 187 type victory.

Anyway, keep up the great work. VDARE.com continues to get better and better.

Peter Brimelow comments: In his incestuous interview with the Southern Poverty Law Center, whose director Morris Dees is running for the Sierra Club board as the Sierra establishment’s favored White Knight (so to speak), Sierra Old Guard board member Robert Cox denounced Brenda Walker for posting "on what I consider to be a racist Web site, VDARE.com," and went on to say "I noticed the other articles posted on the site, too. One, called ' Routing the Race Deniers,' talked about the differences in racial groups based on skull measurements and compared the skulls of Northern European whites and Africans — just disgusting stuff." Cox did not of course add that this Steve Sailer article was in fact a review of a book co-authored by Vincent Sarich, Professor Emeritus, University of California at Berkeley, i.e. an impeccably respectable source. Cox reveals an anti-scientific politically correct hysteria amounting to medieval superstition. He deserves complete contempt.

VDARE.com was founded to challenge the political correctness of Left and Right. There is no doubt that this is hard on the Sierra Club insurgents, who seem generally to be herbivorous liberals and agree with us only on the issue of mass immigration. They would certainly prefer to have the Sierra staff’s access to the Establishment media — but the Sierra staff isn’t sharing. So the insurgents have to put up with us. We say to both sides: the truth shall set you free.

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