A Texan Reminds Us Not To Get Too Enthusiastic About Governor Rick Perry
08/07/08 — A Reader Contrasts Bush’s Actions In The Ramos/Compean And Medellin Cases
Re: Murderer Medellin Executed At Last — No Thanks To Bush Administration By Brenda Walker
Brian Welch writes
Ms. Walker is right to laud the actions of the governor of Texas in the Medellin case (and to have a positive view of Texas and Texans in general). But she should be careful not to praise Gov. Perry too highly.
Perry is a politician of the highest order (not a compliment) who has done everything he can to dissolve American sovereignty:
- He was one of 13 gubernatorial signatories to the September 12, 2007, H-1b visa increase letter to Congress
- He opposed the border fence, and supports open borders in general
- He was one of the first to endorse Rudy "Bring 'Em In" Giuliani, and now fervently supports John "Comprehensive Immigration Amnesty" McCain (both over the obvious choice for any Texan conservative – Ron Paul)
- Perry is a Bilderberger, an SPP member and the biggest proponent of the NAU and Trans-Texas Corridor in the state
We can be sure that he only took this stance because of some immediate political gain. Probably he just saw the writing on the wall, and figured he had to throw the proletariat a bone.
Welch is a US Navy veteran who works in the nuclear power industry that, he says, "hasn’t been outsourced — yet –only because they haven’t figured out a way to do it effectively". His previous letter on Rick Perry is here.
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