A Texas Reader Gives A Reconquista A History Lesson

By VDARE.com Reader


08/26/06 — Saturday Forum: A Whistleblower Gives Another Example Of Refugee Industry Hypocrisy; etc.

From: Jeff G.

Re: Saturday Forum: A Reconquista Reader Says He’s: "Not Going No Where (Sic)"

I am so sick of the angry Mexicans irritated that we, as they put it, "stole Mexico" that I have to explain to them what really happened.

Reconquistas who want to learn the truth about the Mexican-American War can study every significant legal, historical or diplomatic treaty, proclamation and charter at Yale University’s Avalon Project.

A review of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo reveals that the United States paid Mexico $15 million over a five-year period with interest.

We assumed and eliminated Mexico’s European debt with France, England, Germany and Portugal.

And in during the century and a half plus since the U.S. and Mexico signed the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, we have done — and continue to do — some very nice things for Mexicans who decided to stay North.

The U.S. stole Mexico? I don’t think so.

Jeff G., an engineer and businessman who lives near Dallas, advises that Metroplex locals are: "really put out about illegal aliens."

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