A Washington State Reader Says Cardinal Roger Mahony Seeks To Destroy the Roman Catholic Church
07/30/07 — A Texas Reader Says "So Long" to the Lone Star State
From: Steven Keely
Re: Joe Guzzardi’s Blog: Mahony: Apologies All Around — Except for His Own Criminal Behavior
The Roman Catholic Church’s hierarchy since Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli, John XXIII, was elected Pope seeks nothing less than the utter destruction of the Church and society at large. These so-called leaders are apostates of the faith.
As far as the vast majority of the faithful are concerned, they have succeeded completely.
What you see in the responses from Cardinal Mahony and others that favor immigration and protect child molesters is the duplicitous dealings of modernists.
Their talk and actions mark the end of the Catholic Church as I once knew it.
Keely describes himself as: "A traditional Roman Catholic; born into the Faith, educated in parochial schools through eleventh grade and an active altar boy until fourteen."
See also VDARE.com contributor Tom Piatak’s column "A Catholic Reader Defends His Church Against Some Immigration Reform Critics — And Bishops".