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A CA Reader Asks If Senator Feinstein Wants "Fairness" For Spanish-Language Radio Too; etc.

From: John Q. Public In California

Re: Joe Guzzardi’s Column: We Had Them All The Way!

Feinstein’s weepy comment about talk radio monopolizing the airwaves and not having balance should be countered with this question:

Does she know if Mexican-oriented broadcasts follow decency rules? Do they actually "serve the public interest" as FCC licenses require? Why does Feinstein and other Senators tolerate Mexican trash over the airwaves — is the answer because the programs are in Spanish?

Everyone seems to ignore, for instance, the fact that Eddie "El Piolin" Sotelo single handedly put 500,000 illegals on the streets of Los Angeles last year during the illegal alien demonstrations.

Imagine Feinstein’s reaction if Michael Savage were to have done that — the SWAT teams would have broken down his studio door and he'd be up on trial for incitement to riot.

But Sotelo, an amnestied illegal alien with a green card, uses U.S. airwaves to create chaos on the streets during wartime and … .nothing happens.

When do Americans start talking about the hijacking of our airwaves? Since when do we have to hand over frequency spectrum to Mexico?

The next phase of stunting the Mexican invasion is to cut off its communication lines. Objections should be filed routinely with the FCC when Spanish radio station licenses come up for renewal, and Univision / Telemundo should be monitored for biased abuse in their reporting.

One of the reasons so many stations have gone Spanish is Clear Channel Communications, run by President George Bush crony Lowry Mays, has a policy of buying stations and taking them Spanish. You can be sure that any objections the locals listeners might have to having their airwaves turned into a conduit for crude jokes in Spanish and Bandera music is because of the Bush administration’s pressure on the FCC to allow it.

Since Bush is out of political capital, we can change things

A few well-coordinated objections at the standard FCC hearings on license renewal would be a start.

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An Ex-South African Has A Warning For Americans

From: [Name Withheld]

Re: Don Collins' Column: The June 26th Frightening Senate Amnesty Vote Recalls Gov. Lamm’s Warning About How To Destroy The U.S.

I am an ex-South African (Afrikaner or "Boer") who left my country when Nelson Mandela, a convicted terrorist who has been repackaged by the media, liberal establishment and the corporations as a "Freedom Fighter" took over my once staunchly-sovereign First World country.

People like Harry Oppenheimer, world famous mining magnate whose grandfather stole the mining rights and minerals (gold, diamonds) from the Afrikaner with the help of the British crown (two Anglo-Boer wars) wanted it this way.

This all went against the wishes of the majority of Afrikaners, whose voting rights were gutted in 1994.

Afrikaners are now completely disenfranchised. Former Afrikaans universities, such as University of Stellenbosch or University of Pretoria, both created by Afrikaners, have now been turned into black institutions.

Our culture has been systematically destroyed. Our church says we are eternally guilty of racism because of Apartheid. The church, the media, liberal institutions and corporations work in unison.

We Afrikaners have had a long time to think about what happened. This is one of the few benefits of having lost your sovereignty: You have the time to ponder what really happened, since you no longer have to fight and struggle.

The same forces which destroyed the old South Africa are now busy breaking America and turning it into a Third World country.

Next the elites will break up the nations of Europe, after forcing them into the European Union against their will.

The corporations, the rich and the churches can afford to live in the Third World because they simply insulate themselves with money or power.

It’s the common man who loses.

I hope America is successful in its battles to save itself. But after what we experienced in South Africa, I have my doubts.

The writer currently lives in Germany.

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A VA Reader Wonders If The New York Times Has Seen The Light

From: Deena Flinchum

Re: Patrick Cleburne’s Blog: Napolitano Gets The Message

Has the New York Times seen the light too?

Most of the MSM has been banging the amnesty drums loud and clear, as have politicians like Arizona’s Governor Janet Napolitano.

On July 3, however, an interesting thing happened in the letters to the editor section of the Times. Read the letters here. [After the Immigration Bill Fell Apart, July 3, 2007]

The letters section frequently offers unusual angles or insights that readers don’t get from the staff reporters. But — this being the Times I fully expected to read predictable letters that would lament the failure to bring the lionized 12 million "out of the shadows" or sob stories about sad children, divided families, and dashed dreams.

The first letter of seven came from Elmhurst, IL and claimed that the failure to pass S.1639 would likely make the 2008 elections more divisive (as if passing it wouldn’t have).

The remaining six letters other six were, from our perspective, more interesting.

One patriot from Marlborough, MA noted that our laws should reflect the needs of the US not illegal immigrants.

Three realists from Alexandria, VA, San Ramon, CA, and Upland, CA, demanded enforcement first. One even noted that now the politicians know that the people want action on enforcement and not just promises.

An environmentalist from Columbus, OH stressed that we are suffering from a population explosion and must take immigration’s impact on that problem into consideration.

A fair-minded citizen from Ithaca, NY said that amnesty for employers must be halted; and they must be held accountable for hiring illegal workers. Bravo!

Finally, a Times editorial suggested that we use the Social Security databases to make sure that employers only hire workers legally in the U.S. [The Grand Collapse, New York Times, June 30, 2007]

I find it enormously gratifying to see such letters get prominent display in the Times. Too bad letters like these didn’t get more ink prior to the vote on cloture.

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A WA Reader Says A Remarkable Photo Shows Why It’s Time To Stop Using "In The Shadows"

From: Robin Corkery

Of all the irritating descriptions of illegal aliens, surely "in the shadows" must be the most mendacious.

The latest but probably not the last example of this is Sen. Kennedy’s, as reported in The New York Times. [ Immigration Bill Fails To Survive Senate Vote, By Robert Pear and Carl Hulse, June 28, 2007

The Times story is accompanied by a photo of illegal aliens making themselves comfortable in our own U.S. Senate! See it here.

This is as brazen as it gets…both by the aliens and our defiant Congress.

Corkery’s previous letters to are here.

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A CA Roman Catholic Reader Writes To His Bishop

From: John F. Shanahan

[Shanahan’s letter, a portion of which we post here, is addressed to the Most Reverend Gerald R. Barnes, Bishop of the Diocese of San Bernardino. Barnes has appeared before Congress arguing in favor of illegal aliens and illegal immigration. Read Barnes' recent statements on immigration here and here.]

I am very disappointed that you have aligned yourself and the Catholic Church with the powerful forces that use illegal immigration as a damaging tool to destroy the U.S. middle class and to promote a one-world government.

I am aware of your testimony in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee on Immigration in July 2005 that supported the McCain/Kennedy legislation, which promoted and rewarded illegal immigration. I am sure that you are aware that Arlen Specter and others on the Senate Judiciary Committee are members of the treasonous Council on Foreign Relations.

Last year, a lector pointed out to the congregation that only a small number of families had made contributions to the Bishop’s Fund. My heart skipped a beat and leapt for joy — I thought that finally people were frustrated with your support for illegal immigration and were actually indicating as much with their pocketbooks.

But even though your outrageous stance on illegal immigration is well known, the people continue to contribute… perhaps because your leaflets and contribution envelopes are also written in Spanish?

Bishop, is there some mandate in God’s law or the teachings of Jesus Christ that demand that Catholics financially contribute to the demise of our own country?

Bishop, it is misleading of you to imply that your immigration position is the only morally correct one. You and I have such contrary opinions on illegal immigration because of your narrow definition of the word justice. You refer to justice whenever you talk about aliens who have broken our laws to enter our country illegally.

Where is the justice for the US citizens who just lost their jobs to illegals who will work for less money? Where is the justice for US citizens who whose salaries have been decreased because of the wage stagnation caused by illegals? Where is the justice for the average American taxpayer who has to pay the bill for more freeways and longer commuting times, gang activity, failing hospitals, trauma centers and school construction.

Where is the justice and intellectual honesty when politicians like Sen. Dianne Feinstein refer to my position as racist and religious leaders like you refer to my stance as immoral? Why do only you and the elites decide that I should have absolutely no voice in determining the type of people who are allowed to immigrate into my country?

Where is the justice for all of the parishioners who have no comprehension of your motives but will have to live with the consequences a few years from now?

Finally, Bishop, where is the justice when you decide that there is not enough poverty already in the US and that the US government should import more to be subsidized by the taxpayers?

Until we both meet our Maker, may we both continue to live in the sovereign U. S. handed down to us by our forefathers in which the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects our freedom of religious expression.

Shanahan is a graduate of Northwestern University and an electrical engineer

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