An Arizona Reader Translates Bush On Immigration
09/13/06 — A California Reader Reports Income Disparity Greater in U.S. Than Mexico
From: L. Long
I'd like to complete Bush’s incomplete statements about immigration.
My comments are in parenthesis.
- "Family values don’t stop at the border." [here] (The tens of thousands of illegal aliens overcrowding our prisons still love their mothers.)
- "I want 'comprehensive' immigration reform." [ here] (My amnesty plan isn’t playing too well so I've renamed it.)
- They take " jobs Americans won’t do." [here] (Won’t do at the wages paid by the corporations who elected me.)
- They are only trying "to feed their families." [here] (By sending billions of American dollars to Mexico.)
- I’m "protecting the American people" by fighting in Iraq. [here] (But I’m not interested in protecting them not from diseases brought across the U.S.-Mexico border.)
Long is a Korean War veteran. His previous letter to is here.