07/06/10 — An Unemployed Indiana Reader Says America Not A "Nation Of Immigrants"
From: Bob Johnson
Apparently, fashion models and lifeguards are two more jobs Americans won’t do.
The models come to America on H-1B visas.
Lifeguards use J-1 visas.
One report about the lifeguards has this interesting comment:
"Job offers often indicate positions for lifeguards, but for J-1 visa holders, getting these jobs isn’t so easy anymore. Because of negligence, five people drowned last year and as a result, the requirements for lifeguards toughened this year. Lifeguard jobs are available in the swimming pools of Montana, Wisconsin, and Minnesota, while public beaches in New York and California are closed to students with J-1 visas."
Maybe the foreign-born lifeguards don’t know how to swim?
If you live in Montana, Wisconsin or Minnesota, perhaps for safety sake you should avoid pools unless they are in your neighbor’s yard.
Johnson contributes articles to a professional Internet newsletter. His previous letters to VDARE.com about Joe Biden’s position on the H-1B visa and football coaches with H-1B visas are here and here.