Saturday Forum

By Reader


An Illinois Reader Says Boycott Miller Brewing Co. For Financing Illegals' March; etc.

From: [Name Withheld]

Americans must boycott Miller Brewing Company for sponsoring to the tune of $30,000 the coming Immigrant Workers Justice March in Chicago. [Why This Immigrant Rights March Is Brought To You By Miller, by Oscar Avila, Chicago Tribune, September 1, 2006]

This is bold action sanctioning illegal behavior, by a corporation operating in the U.S. but with foreign ownership, proves that selling more products to Hispanics is the only thing that counts to Miller.

I wrote Miller:

" I find it appalling that you sponsor ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION marches. I will never purchase your product for the rest of my life. I am embarrassed that I have been a user of your products, how dare you? This clearly shows that your only concern is the bottom line that depends on expanding your market share.

(To see similar e-mails, read Michelle Malkin’s blog here)

Read the outrageous Miller reply (e- mail Miller back here) sent me when I protested:

" Miller Brewing Company does not support illegal immigration or any other unlawful act. We do support a public policy discussion that will lead to a clear path to legal naturalization for people who meet the requirements for U.S. citizenship. We also oppose any legislation that would unfairly and unjustly seek to constrain immigration.

"A German immigrant, Frederick Miller, founded Miller 151 years ago. And today, we are part of an international company with employees from around the world. We support the free movement of people, labor, goods and services in the global economy with appropriate protections for the rights of individuals and families, the security of nations, and the diversity that contributes to a rich and productive society.

"Miller is active in helping immigrants learn how to become legally naturalized citizens of the U.S., through programs like the Miller Lite Immigration Forum in Texas and our support for a recent immigration convention in Chicago."

"We have a long history of proudly supporting many national and local Latino organizations throughout the U.S.

"We appreciate your interest."

Miller must think Americans are idiots. Actions speak louder than words and Miller’s actions speak WAY louder than their words in this reply.

Unfortunately, this is the same party line we get from the White House.

[Name Withheld] was born in Michigan and lives in Chicago where he is a trader in the global investment markets.

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A Massachusetts Reader Urges Readers To Tell The Church The You Support The Minutemen… Not Illegal Immigration

Re: Today’s Letter: A Wisconsin Reader Reports Jesuit Magazine Frank About Church’s Dependence On Immigration

From: Neil

Mr. Clifford’s recent e-mail is excellent.

However, church attendees should not abandon their respective religious organizations.

Instead, they should drop nothing in the collection plate (except, perhaps, a tiny card avowing their support for organizations like the Minutemen) and when leaving, tell the celebrant that their conscience prohibits them from giving financial support to "ecclesiastical corruption".

"Neil" adds that there have been many fewer sob stories about the shortage of college workers on Cape Cod’s summer resorts since expose about that scam two years ago. Read the columns about cheap labor and Cape Cod’s tourism industry here and here.

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A Colorado African-American Liberal Thanks "Braveheart" For Her Eloquence

From: Jerome Davis

Re: Saturday’s Forum: An African-American Patriot Demands A Fair Shake From

I have just read "Braveheart’s" letter to I hate to be cliché, but she truly took the words right out of my mind.

She eloquently states what I am positive many of us blacks are feeling and thinking.

Like "Braveheart", I too am a product of Chicago; born on the South Side 51 years ago and a graduate of Chicago Public Schools.

Again, I thank her so much for writing.

Formerly a Chicago firefighter and once a columnist for two Colorado Springs newspapers, Davis' recently published collection of poems, "Waiting to Expire: the Incoherent Ramblings of an Inebriated Soul," is available here.

Davis describes himself as "an unabashed liberal."

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A New York Reader Urges "Braveheart" To Never Give Up

From: David Brown

I am a fan but I agree with "Braveheart."

Blacks are too often lumped together. Before using the word "black" we should precede it with "some."

We're all in the same boat in the fight for immigration reform.

Almost all America’s blacks and whites are legal residents.

We've all had enough division.

The illegal immigration debate is about those who do not belong, not those who do. As a conservative I believe aid should go only to deserving citizens.

Black Americans have certainly not benefited from the selective aid that could and should raise their educational and living standards. Welfare as constituted only served to further degrade those already on the bottom of the barrel.

Good luck to "Braveheart" and tell her to keep slugging. I’m with you. A serious debate needs serious people like her.

"Braveheart" should never give up. Never.

Brown, who holds a Master’s Degree, has produced a CD-ROM illustrated series on Venice, Italy. Visit his website here.

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A Reader Thinks "Braveheart" Is Full of Baloney

From: "Teddy Roosevelt"

"Braveheart" wrote:

"When black people are quiet that means they don’t support the person or the issue. You don’t see black people supporting those who are demanding amnesty."


Most all black members of Congress, and the Black Caucus voted against the great, hard-line House bill H.R. 4437 clamping down on illegals.

Blacks are the ones selling their people down the river. Witness race hustlers Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton who also support amnesty for illegal aliens.

And you can remind "Braveheart" that millions of white men fought and gave their lives to end slavery and keep the nation together.

Now their reward is the selling out of their country by leftist Democrats, RINO Rockefeller Republicans, religious scofflaws, and Hispanic race hustlers. And of course those political hacks, Rove-Bush-Kennedy-McCain-Frist-Specter-Pence etc.

"Teddy Roosevelt" likes to say this about federal immigration policy: "Bush lied (in his 2004 re-election campaign about amnesty) and the nation died."

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A Texas Reader Tells "Braveheart" To Stop Whining

From: Vernon Murray:

It must be a terrible burden to bear the cross of long deceased ancestors.

I content myself righting wrongs in my time. Perhaps you should consider it.

Welcome to humanity — with our common failures, humiliations and "pick yourself up and get on with it" rationality that are universal traits.

Please remit your atonement for your forbearer’s wicked sins to my e-mail address.

Do it now, please. Get it?

Murray describes himself as "an average guy employed at a major supermarket chain." On Friday night, Murray says, "there is a non-stop parade of Mexicans, Guatemalans and God knows what else lined up to send their money out of the country. Or put their Lone Star Card purchased goodies into new $20,000 plus pickups decked out with the latest $300 rims. And WIC? Oh my God, don’t get me started…"

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A White Wisconsin Reader Plans To Join The Anti-Immigration Group "Choose Black America"

From: Patrick Clifford

Thanks to for posting "Braveheart’s" important letter.

I’m a white non-union janitor. I’m against immigration for the same reason that Frederick Douglass and Booker T. Washington were against immigration.

I called in to the politically correct Wisconsin Public Radio last April to ask if Martin Luther King ever had any thoughts against immigration. The host assumed I was a Klansman.

My family and I support the black anti-immigration group "Choose Black America."

My nephew’s wife and children are black, and I hope they become aware of the threat immigration poses to all Americans.

I read Vanderbilt University Law Professor Carol Swain’s book The New White Nationalism in America. What struck closest to home was the brief mention that her niece had to buy a car to get to her crappy job at Kentucky Fried Chicken.

Clifford’s previous letter to is here.

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