From: Brian Riordan
Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa is the latest Hispanic to proclaim: "We clean your toilets"
This is a frequently used ploy to both make guilty white liberals assent to illegal aliens' demands and to justify their unlawful presence as necessary because they "do the jobs that Americans won’t do."
However, years ago I worked in a restaurant in New Mexico with many Americans of all races — but no illegal aliens.
I washed dishes and cleaned toilets — and that was when I already had two college degrees.
And someone should ask Villaraigosa: who cleans up after illegal aliens?
Millions of our taxpayer dollars (and much work provided by American volunteers) has been spent in a futile attempt to clean up the growing piles of garbage left by illegals as they sneak across the border from Mexico into Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and California.
According to a Fox News story, in 2006 alone more than 1.18 million pounds of trash was collected along southern Arizona border, much of it in the meeting spots where aliens rest, change clothes and wait to hitch a ride further north with a smuggler.
Arizona officials have spent approximately $4.4 million over five years to clean up the mess that continues to build with each crossing. An additional $1 million was spent for 2007 from a base Bureau of Land Management appropriation.
Read the BLM’s comprehensive report on environmental damage caused by illegal immigration here.
Border Patrol’s Tucson sector, which covers most of the Arizona border, doesn’t have exact statistics about how many people cross through each year. But on average, agents apprehend 1,500 people a day, with 378,000 total undocumented immigrants caught in 2007 alone.
No wonder aliens generate so much trash!
The next time a reconquista like Villaraigosa boldly proclaims "we clean your toilets," your response should be: "We clean up your garbage."
Riordan says he learned about Mexican corruption while he lived in New Mexico. His last letter proposed a new holiday for Americans: Cinco de Agosto, the day Jose Medellin is scheduled to die. Read it here. Riordan’s other letters are archived here.
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From: Grey Stalwart
Re: Brenda Walker’s Blog: Waiting for the Final Exhale
The following quote is from the Houston Chronicle article about the Jose Medellin August 5th execution date:
"The Mexican government said U.S. officials violated the 1963 Vienna Convention when they failed to allow the citizens of another country access to its representatives after arrest."[Execution Date Set for Mexican Who Killed Houston Girls, By Dale Lezon, Houston Chronicle, May 6, 2008]
Given that Houston is a sanctuary city where law enforcement cannot ask about resident status, how would such a process of "access to its representatives" be initiated?
Ironically, it seems that illegal aliens have become a victim of their own code of silence: request help and confirm that you are an illegal alien — or remain silent and forfeit your right to legal support.
Mexicans come from a culture with corrupt law enforcement and therefore have avoided contact with the police for most of their lives.
The same Mexican government harping for treaty compliance has put its own people in this predicament.
Stalwart describes himself as a "proud Southerner".
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From: Hal Burdett
Re: Don Collins' Column: Why Not A Polio-Type Campaign To Immunize Americans Against Illegal Alien Fraud With A National ID Card?
As someone who in the mid-1990s attended the release of the Jordan Commission report at the National Press Club, I’m in accord with instituting national ID cards.
Congress must fear that their issuance would be tantamount to relinquishing a personal freedom.
In my view, this is utter nonsense.
We have all sorts of ID cards — from Social Security to driver’s licenses to library cards, to say nothing of the passports that many of us have.
With the maddening escalation of identity thefts, perhaps Congress will eventually revisit the issue.
The ACLU website lists five reasons to reject national ID cards and, though a couple of interesting points are made, I’m not dissuaded from my support of the cards.
I believe they would be helpful not only in identifying undocumented workers but as a tool against identity fraud.
Burdett has been a newspaper reporter, political writer and columnist and an editorial page editor for newspapers in Washington, Baltimore and Annapolis. He retired earlier this year as Vice President for Communications of the Population Institute, an international nonprofit organization headquartered in Washington, DC.
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From: Tim McCoy
Whenever a situation — big or small, good or bad — arises some Ned Flanders-type like Collins is compelled to invent a process to control it.
Unfortunately, the solutions they come up with are either incomplete or poorly thought out.
Then, unintended consequences arise to bite everyone in the butt.
No system is foolproof, and all have design flaws that allow errors to seep in.
Soon, the solution becomes the problem as it breaks down under its own weight.
Collins' proposed citizen ID requires collecting personal information that is detailed enough to uniquely identify the individual. The federal government — "big brother" — can tap into that at any time.
The ID data must be stored in an accessible but secure database. Policies must be established for exception resolution because of inaccuracies and/or errors.
Soon the ID card — that sounded so good in the first place — is an uncontrollable, living monster.
And, no matter what anyone says counterfeiting any card can be done for a price.
How about this: enforce immigration laws. That will make it uncomfortable for aliens to try to get here. And if they do, they'll run this risk of deportation
Believe me, we don’t need no stinking IDs!
McCoy, a retired programmer, wrote previously about the need for a political purge and about why Mexicans are always screaming about "racism" and "xenophobia" here and here.
By Don Collins responds: Alas, dear Mr. McCoy, although you say you live in Montana, it sounds like you haven’t entered modern America. More is likely already known about you, including where you buy your groceries and where you travel, etc. than you can remember. Have you ever lost your wallet, which contains your Social Security Number, credit cards, driver’s license? It’s like losing your identity, isn’t it?
Carrying a biometric National ID card that gives absolute proof of your American citizenship would actually be a great convenience if our government would install the readers at airports and other similar places to facilitate your entry/exit.
And as for counterfeiting a national ID card, one of my fellow FAIR board members reminded me that a well-known firm has the technology to produce a card with 64 different metrics — making falsification impossible.
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