Saturday Forum
09/25/09 — A Roman Catholic Reader Urges Religious Correctness
A California Doctor Points To Texas As An Example Of Health Care "Frequent Flyers"; etc.
From: Henry Chen, M.D.
Re: Joe Guzzardi’s Column: National Hispanic Medical Association Says Health Care Status Quo For Aliens Is A "Disgrace"! We Reply: You Bet It Is
For a person in Dallas, the annual Medicare bill is $8000. But for the average patient along the Texas border overcrowded with aliens it’s $15,000.
That’s a good indication of what it would cost to include illegal immigrants under Obamacare.
When immigrants, legal or not, have unlimited access to health care, they often have no better way to pass the time than seeking medical care day after day. This reality may sound harsh, but as Guzzardi wrote, they come to the hospitals for everything from "sniffles to liver transplants".
These immigrants will undergo endless medical tests and treatments as long as they receive some sort of reward for their care, whether free lunches, comfortable surroundings like a waiting room with a color television or kindly one-on-one attention.
Medical professionals refer to these patients as "frequent flyers", meaning they will readmit into hospitals in an endless cycle to use any type of medical care available to them.
Chen wrote previous letters urging the federal government not to invite the entire world to America and why Obamacare with aliens covered would bankrupt the U.S. Read them here and here.
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A California Reader Says America Will Pay Forever Because Of Ted Kennedy
From: Margaret Taft (e-mail her)
Re: Today’s Letter: A California Educator Says Don’t Worry; Few Outside The Northeast Knew Who Ted Kennedy Was
I agree with letter writer Mindy Long about Kennedy being unknown in California.
There are so many nonwhite Third World immigrants in California that there is little institutional memory of 20th century America, including even such dramatic events as the as the Kennedy brothers' assassinations.
For several years I worked in a kidney dialysis clinic two blocks from the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles where Robert Kennedy was killed.
As far as I knew, I was the only white in the clinic; including both patients and staff. I may have been the only American in the 27-story high-rise in which the clinic was located.
Today, no Americans work in the area. It’s now known as Koreatown, but includes many other ethnicities.
The Ambassador, once a landmark, has been torn down and a Los Angeles Unified School District high school is under construction.
Like every other California public school, it will serve a 99 percent immigrant population who have no idea what they owe to the Kennedy family for making it possible for them to migrate to the U.S. legally and then giving them affirmative action privileges.
California and the rest of America will forever pay the price of the 1965 Immigration Act which Kennedy vigorously fought for.
Taft lives in the Los Angeles area that she describes as "the belly of the beast".
Read her previous letters wondering why feminists don’t speak out when aliens commit violent crimes against women and the havoc wreaked by "unaccompanied alien minors" are here and here.
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A New York Reader Says Teddy Kennedy Knew All Along That He Was Destroying America
From: Andy Kurtis
Re: Matthew Richer’s Column: After The Wake, A Constituent Reflects On The Real Kennedy Curse
Here’s a telling interview that Senator Edward Kennedy gave to his allies at National Public Radio three years before his death.
Even though Kennedy was among his Open-Borders NPR allies, he refused to come clean about what by them were the obvious consequences of the Immigration Act of 1965.
In response to two direct questions from reporter Jennifer Ludden about the huge demographic change that followed and which the Senator promised would not occur, Kennedy dodged by trying to deflect Americans' concerns from legal immigration (which his bill provided for) to illegal immigration.
"A lot of the antagonism, frustration and anger is better focused at the illegality and the illegals that came here in very significant numbers. [People] are certainly frustrated by the illegality and the explosion of illegals who come here that have impact in terms of the economy, depressing wages, and taking jobs.
"On the other hand, they have this incredible admiration and respect for their neighbor, the person at the corner store who is working 18 to 20 hours a day, trying to provide for their family, and whose child is serving in the armed forces of the country. They admire those [immigrants] they see in church, churchgoers who are trying to bring their kids up."
"To be energized we need new workers, younger workers, who are going to be a part of the whole economy. We don’t have them here in the United States. There are greater outreach efforts being made in terms of trying to keep people in the labor market longer.
"We need to have the skills of all of these people. The fact is, this country, with each new wave of immigrants, has been energized and advanced, quite frankly, in terms of its economic, social, cultural and political life. And I think that’s something that will continue into the future. I don’t think we ought to fear it, we ought to welcome it."
[Q & A: Sen. Kennedy on Immigration, Then & Now, by Jennifer Ludden, National Public Radio, May 9, 2006]
Reading the Kennedy interview in its entirety, it’s obvious that when the elites talked publicly about the 1965 Immigration Act, they denied its consequences.
But privately, they knew about and welcomed the huge influx of Third World immigrants.
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A New York Democrat Says Obama Can’t Keep His Foot Out Of His Mouth
From: Quentin Simpson
Re: Today’s Letter: A Retired New York State Government Official Says Democrats On The Ropes
The only thing President Barack Obama accomplished by urging Governor David Paterson not to run for re-election was to hurt his image in New York.
Overwhelmingly, New Yorkers want Obama to butt out. Among all voters, 62 percent feel Obama should mind his own business. Democrats agree by a 51 percent margin.
Republicans should take note.
Run a fiscal conservative, social moderate and the GOP will win. That would exclude social radical and immigration enthusiast Rudy Giuliani, frequently mentioned as a possible Republican candidate.
I’m not the only lifelong Democrat who won’t vote for Paterson.
Simpson is a small business owner. His previous letters about Bruce Springsteen, Nancy Pelosi and the Caroline Kennedy/Paterson dust up are here, here and here.
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