Saturday Forum
A New Jersey Reader Tries To Tip Off The Nantucket Police Chief About Illegal Aliens; He Ignores Her; etc.
From: Name Withheld
I am a federal employee who works in law enforcement.
In 2006, posted my letter wherein I wrote of advising the Nantucket town clerk that illegal aliens were throughout the island working on home construction crews.
By way of follow up during the two intervening years, I reached Nantucket Chief of Police William Pittman (contact information here) to pass along the same message.
Pittman’s replies to my expressions of concern in phone calls and subsequent e-mails were haughty and dismissive. According to him, Nantucket has enough work for everyone.
But it looks like I am right (and have been for two years) and Pittman is wrong.
With the economic downturn, the island is undergoing a quick, vast and devastating transformation.
Some homes, vacant in the off-season, have dropped in value precipitously. With little new construction, the 15 percent (and rising) minority population is mostly unemployed. Many of the disaffected youths have formed gangs. ["Nantucket’s Cultural Clash," David Abel, Boston Globe, July 28, 2008]
And now the Nantucket police force may be subjected to diversity training since, of course, they are perceived to be at fault in any incidents that may involve illegal aliens. ["Police Say Mea Culpa," Peter A. Sutters Jr., Nantucket Independent, July 23, 2008]
At various times during the thirty years I have been vacationing on Nantucket, I have considering buying an island home.
I’m glad that I did not.
A 2007 letter from Boston native Aldo Amatucci commenting on gangs on Nantucket Island is here.
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A Reader Says That Muslims Immigrants Should Not Be Excluded From America Because Of Their Gender Bias
From: Arch Foster
Re: Brenda Walker’s Blog: Fox News Investigates Honor Killings in the USA
Muslims immigrants may well be a dangerous addition to our polity, lacking in appreciation for the give-and-take required in a modern democracy and, in some individual cases, given to religious violence to carry out their fundamentalist leanings.
But their view of proper relationships between the sexes (excluding of course barbaric acts like honor killings) is not the disqualifier Brenda Walker would have us believe.
In the West, the rate of cuckoldry is about 50 percent for men and women and the illegitimacy rate is a dismal 1 in three.
I would wager these statistics are far lower among Muslims, and the idea of a "no-fault" divorce wherein the admittedly non-aggrieved wife can expect a handsome profit at her ex’s expense is, without doubt, entirely foreign to them.
These are healthy qualities that we should strive to emulate and not shun.
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A Washington State Reader (Female) Says American Men Have Personality Traits Equally Unpleasant As The Women They Disparage
From: Anne
Re: Today’s Letter: A California Reader Says American Women Are "Out Of Control"
In regards to this letter, the writer Walter William Pierce makes many valid points such as American women are selfish, dumb, arrogant, etc
The thing is that those traits are all applicable to American males as well.
Pierce has never sat through a date where a man is still bitterly trying to figure out why his wife left him. And to hear a promiscuous male with a gaggle of children by multiple women (and the accompanying child support payments) drone on about his money problems is no treat either.
Yet I understand his disillusionment with American women.
I could be the poster child for foreign relationships. The men I dated did not need green cards, but what they all had in common was an extreme dislike for women from their native country and a fascination with American ladies.
Based on my life’s invaluable experiences, I would advise Pierce to be careful what he wishes for.
At the end of the day, there is a lot to be said for the American next door.
Anne lives in a Seattle suburb and is a housewife married to a legal immigrant from Korea.
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A Hispanic Reader Wants Guzzardi And Brimelow Dead — Or At Least Back In Italy And England
Re: Joe Guzzardi’s Column: Leaving Lodi and Saying AdiĆ³s To California
From: Kukulcan
I’m glad Guzzardi has left my home state of California … a "Hispanic" word, btw!
Better yet, why doesn’t he go back to Italy where his mama was born? Guido banditos like him will not survive the 21st century! Italy needs him!
There were no wops in America in any significant numbers before the Civil War.
I hope to read his obituary soon, and that of Peter Brimelow as well! We can send his stupid ass back to England.
By the middle of the 2020s, the student leaders of the 2006 protest marches calling for amnesty will be the most powerful California politicos!
By the middle of the 21st century, Guzzardi, Brimelow and their ilk will be long gone — not even a memory of their existence will remain.
Meanwhile, La Raza will just be beginning to exert its influence in our historic homeland, the southwestern United States.
Viva La Raza!
By Joe Guzzardi replies: In an e-mail response to Kukulcan, I wrote:
"California is my home state too. I was born and raised there…but were you?
Life is funny. It may be that Peter and I will outlive you and be reading your obituary much sooner than you would like. Something terrible may happen to you as soon as — today?
But how will we know if you meet an untimely end? You're too much of a girl to use your real name. How can you expect us to take you seriously if you are too sissy to reveal yourself?
You might be right about California’s demographic future. But what if you're wrong?
Don’t take any chances — return to Mexico immediately!"
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