2/3 Of Voters In Battleground Races Disapprove Of Obama’s Immigration Position

By James Kirkpatrick


Another weapon that the GOP could (but probably won’t) use in the midterm elections :

Nearly two-thirds of likely voters in battleground races this fall disapprove of President Barack Obama’s handling of immigration, according to a new POLITICO poll — a public rebuke that comes after the White House grappled with the border crisis and reversed on a pledge to take executive action on deportations by the end of the summer.

The poll found that 35 percent of voters in the most competitive House and Senate races this fall said they approved of how Obama has dealt with immigration, compared with 64 percent who said they disapproved of the president’s handling of the issue. And by a narrow margin, more voters said they trust the GOP over Democrats on immigration.

[Politico Poll: GOP has edge on immigration in midterms, by Seung Min Kim, Politico, September 15, 2014]

But what difference does it make it when no one can even say what the GOP is running on? No wonder that even given these incredible opportunities, they are blowing it.

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