Sharp Rise in Jewish Support for Marine Le Pen’s National Front

By James Kirkpatrick


Muslim violence against European Jews is screwing up the Narrative of white guilt.

The number of Jews who voted for the far-right National Front party soared in the most recent presidential election from the previous two votes, surveys showed.

In the surveys of French Jews, some 13.5 percent of 1,095 respondents who self-identified as Jews said they voted for National Front President Marine Le Pen in the 2012 presidential elections …

The National Front is a vociferous critic of what it describes as the government’s inaction to stop France’s “Islamization … "

Muslims are the main perpetrators of anti-Semitic attacks on Jews, according to the Jewish watchdog BNVCA, or the National Bureau of Vigilance Against Anti-Semitism.

“It demonstrates what National Front has long denounced: the development of a radical Islam which endangers the safety of citizens,” the [National Front] statement said. “It is a direct consequence of the massive immigration that the political class of UMPS led for 40 years in an utterly irresponsible manner.”

UMPS is a mashup of the French-language initials of the centrist UMP and the left-wing Socialist Party.

[Far-right French party sees sharp rise in popularity among Jewish voters, surveys find, JTA, September 14, 2014]

A few points.

1. Notice JTA keeps the scare term of "far right" so its readers can be properly told what to think. 2. This may actually understate current FN support, Jewish and otherwise. By all accounts, support for the party has been increasing since the last presidential election. 3. Jews now support the UMP of former President Sarkozy more than the Socialist Party.

Of course, it will be interesting to see if this increase in Jewish support is sustained if it looks like Marine Le Pen will actually become the next President of the Republic.

Supporting the FN as a protest against Muslim violence is one thing — putting a Nationalist in power may be something else.

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