A Tactical Suggestion For The Sotomayor Hearings
By Steve Sailer
When it comes to racial preferences, Barack Obama and Sonia Sotomayor are ideological twins, although most Americans don’t realize it yet. Unlike the master politician, however, Sotomayor tends to rub people the wrong way. Still, the Republican Senators are highly unlikely to be able to stop Sotomayor. And it’s not clear that they should want to, since once on the Court, the mediocre and abrasive Sotomayor is unlikely to evolve into a William Brennan-like master backstage manipulator of the other Justices.
Still, a lengthy hearing over Sotomayor would be the best opportunity for the GOP to begin the process of enlightening the public that Obama isn’t the post-racial President that David Axelrod has spun him as. Clearly, the New Haven firefighter reverse discrimination case of Ricci v. DeStefano should be central to the hearings.
Yet, old-fashioned chivalry and post-modern sensitivity both dictate that a bunch of white male conservative Senators like Jeff Sessions can’t be seen asking too many probing questions of a lady / minority. The GOP needs a bad guy to pound in these hearings, but Judge Sotomayor isn’t a guy.
So, the GOP Senators should subpoena a witness on the Ricci v. DeStefano case. They should subpeona and then roast alive on the witness stand the defendant, beady-eyed New Haven mayor John DeStefano (seen here), who engineered cheating Ricci and company out of their promotions. This will associate DeStefano’s petty political machinations to please his main black supporter to Sotomayor, Obama, and racial preference supporters in general.
For examples of the kind of questions they could flail DeStefano with, just refer to the Supreme Court’s oral questioning in the case. For example, Mayor DeStefano’s city attorney claimed that the city had strong evidence for discarding the test as invalid after finding out the results by race. But Justice Samuel Alito pointed out the preposterousness of that claim in a scalding rhetorical question:
"[The city] chose the company that framed the test, and then as soon as it saw the results, it decided it wasn’t going to go forward with the promotions. The company offered to validate the test. The City refused to pay for that, even though that was part of its contract with the company. And all it has is this testimony by a competitor, Mr. Hornick, who said–who hadn’t seen the test, and he said, I could do a better test–you should make the promotions based on this, but I could give you–I could draw up a better test, and by the way, here’s my business card if you want to hire me in the future.
”How’s that a strong basis in the evidence?"
This could be fun.<