Immigration Scepticism to be a Hate Crime
Tracking the Totalitarian Left’s effort to sneak through the Hate Crime Bill is difficult, even with the wonderful Google Alert system.
The Rev. Ted Pike’s indispensible email alert service (sign up at the top of this site) reports today that the Democratic Senate leadership flinched from loading it onto the innocent (if statist) Tourism Bill S. 1023
Good; because the intention to repress criticism of immigration under the auspices of this type of legislation is so blatant it has even appeared in the MSM.
Immigration Debate Tied to Rise in Hate Crimes By Spencer Hsu The Washington Post Wednesday June 17 2008 reports:
U.S. civil rights leaders said yesterday that an increase in hate crimes committed in recent years against Hispanics and people perceived to be immigrants "correlates closely" to the nation’s increasingly contentious debate over immigration… The Leadership Conference on Civil Rights Education Fund issued a report that faulted anti-immigrant rhetoric in the media and mobilization of extremist groups on the Internet.
( note: we hope the internet reference means us)
the tone of discourse over comprehensive immigration reform needs to be changed, needs to be civil and sane," said Michael Lieberman, Washington counsel for the Anti-Defamation League.
”civilized and sane” -AKA weak and ineffective. Talking about which, where are the plutocrats of the Immigration Reform movement? As I noted on Tuesday, NumbersUSA, although geared up for lobbying, seems to be ducking the issue. Neither is there anything on the FAIR website (although this wonkish note from last year is useful). And while Mark Krikorian of the CIS is quoted in the Washington Post article cited above saying correctly (and bravely )
the LCCREF report was "another salvo against free speech by the pro-amnesty coalition … to delegitimize any critic of mass immigration."
there is nothing on the CIS site either — despite their recent Steinlight experience.
Why not? Can they be indifferent to the possibility of being shut down? Is this a cause — or just a job?
After some effort, I have concluded only CIS deigns to allow the public to actually contact them from their web site. For this, salutes them.