Ann Coulter’s Two Fine Philippics Against Paul Ryan Yesterday [VIDEOS]

By Patrick Cleburne


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Yesterday in Wisconsin Ann Coulter delivered two fine, powerful philippics in support of Paul Nehlen, who is challenging Paul Ryan for Wisconsin’s 1st District Congressional seat.

As always with Ann Coulter’s work, beneath the glove of witty banter there is an iron fist of closely reasoned and factually solid material.

From a point of view particularly pleasant was her asking at about 7-36 in the Janesville clip

“What is the upside of this mass Muslim immigration?”

In the Kenosha clip, having commented (1:36) that

We have the Plutocrat Party and the American Party

Ann went on to say (5:18)

“It’s good for population control to bring in a certain number of Muslims because they freak out and shoot up a gay nightclub.”

There a great many other incisive observations and I urge readers to watch and circulate the videos.

Especially to anyone who lives in Wisconsin’s 1st District.

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