Pictures From Paul Nehlen/ Ann Coulter Rally — "Dump Paul Ryan" Is The Cry

By James Fulford


Above, at a Nehlen rally in Wisconsin, a presentation from the Remembrance Project, which advocates for families whose loved ones were killed by illegal aliens.

Below, one of the speakers is the lovely Ann Coulter:

Ann Coulter

(For Ann’s speeches — she gave two — click here)

And here’s Nehlen himself, speaking under the banner

Paul Nehlen

It’s an important point that this is about dumping Ryan. Paul Nehlen is probably a better human being than Ryan, and would provide better constituent service to Wisconsin’s First District, but for those of us outside Wisconsin, the point about Nehlen is that he’s not Paul Ryan, because Ryan is bad for his party and for his country. We hope to have a reader report from this rally later. Finally, a tweet from Nehlen himself:

Honored to have @AnnCoulter with our rally in Janesville right now. #ElectNehlen #RetireRyan #NoAmnesty #NoTPP

— Paul Nehlen (@pnehlen) August 6, 2016

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