Announcing’s Year-End Appeal!

By Lydia Brimelow


This Tuesday, November 29, is participating in the international day of philanthropy known as Giving Tuesday (or #GivingTuesday for you savvies). We’re proud to announce that a generous individual has stepped forward with a offer to match dollar for dollar every donation that comes in on Giving Tuesday, up to $4,000!

The idea is simple:

  1. There is a day for giving thanks (Thanksgiving!)
  2. There are two days for getting deals (Black Friday and Cyber Monday)
  3. Now, there is a day for giving back — that’s Giving Tuesday.
For the last three years, Giving Tuesday has served as the kickoff for’s year-end fundraising push, our most important appeal of the year. Our theme this year is a hard-fought one: MIRACLES HAPPEN — LET’S KEEP THEM COMING.

In other words, the incredible electoral victory we’ve just witnessed is nothing short of a miracle. In the teeth of almost impenetrable pessimism during the last few years, our editor Peter Brimelow frequently reminded us that “miracles can happen in American politics” and that “things that can’t go on forever, don’t.”

HE WAS RIGHT. But while I’m invoking quotes of brilliant men (hey, I married him for a reason) I may as well throw in this one, attributed to Seneca, “Luck is when hard work meets opportunity.” We at have put in the hard work for the last 17 years — and thankless work it is, given the extreme hostility of the Main Stream Media. Without you making the work possible through your donations, there is no doubt what dystopian future we would be facing right now.

And that dystopia isn’t gone yet. The battle has only just begun. The immigration enthusiasts, the $PLCs, the Hillary Clintons and George Soroses of this world are not just going to go quietly into the night. They are wounded and angry, but they are far from defeated.

Over the course of our year-end fundraiser here on, you will hear in detail about’s plans for “keeping the miracles coming,” i.e., chasing the Amnesty Advocates, globalist elites and lying press away from our precious and hard-fought points of victory.

Everybody has a role. Our role here at is to deliver the fighting words (articles, blog posts, letter and much more) that inform the fight to keep America American, and we do that every day on a shoestring budget.

We have no endowment. We have hardly any foundation backers and certainly no governmental support. We only have you.

We are scrappy, but we can’t do it alone.

Join the movement starting this Tuesday and help us meet our matching $4k challenge. I thank you in advance for your ongoing support!

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